Ecclesiastes 1:14: “Remove far from me falsehood and lying; give me neither poverty nor riches”
Ecclesiastes 7:24-26: “The truth is beyond us. It’s far too deep.”
Ecclesiastes 7:25-27: “Truth and error are most often mixed together in the same problem, so they must be disentangled from each other.”
So for many months I have been “reading” about “enlightenment,” “awakening,” and “realization.” So much of the time it just seemed like so much nonsense, like trying to twist your being into a shape it was not meant to be twisted into, but then, through the mercy of my mother, father and beloved spiritual friends I began an unfoldment like the opening of a flower to the sun. Its so subtle, like a mist, a whisper or a gentle wind.
Most mystics decry the spinning monkey brain that reigns like a tyrant within us. This is something to be overcome; but there is so much more. Its not the spinning that is the main deficit or problem within human existence, rather it is the material that is being spun.
I have come to believe that all we understand here is falsehood, or at least heavily shaded with falsehood. All that I was taught as a child and that accreted onto my soul, by well meaning folks who truly believed the ideas they spoke were for the good, were mightily mistaken.
In order to find the truth, it is imperative to find the stillness within us, that allows us to be fearless in destroying false paradigms. For too long we have been coddled and suckled by the ideals that have been cast upon us, through the words, ideas and descriptors of what is real and what is true.
Beloved, you gain your freedom, you experience liberation, when you fully cognize that all of what you have come to believe is falsehood…yes every single bit of it.
Why are we so afraid to live as crystal, as the potentiality of all things? Why do we choose through our beliefs to limit and conscribe ourselves when vastness is our inheritance?
This is both a place of terror as well as liberation, casting within the world with no lifelines, no beliefs or societal norms. A place where none of the voices compelling you, out of the beckoning icons of mankind can impact you any longer.
Ah, “free at last, free at last, good God almighty I am free at last!”
All of the societal constructs, the glimmering icons of Potemkin falsehood, the two dimensional blinders we place over our three dimensional eyes, the murdering ideals that destroy the heart within man, all is falsehood.
All of the slaughters of the twentieth century were conjured with falsehoods cast by the evil that walks among us for the purpose of greed an avarice. The best and brightest of human society ripped apart on the killing fields of hubris and false ideals.
What would our world have become had their bright lights remained among human society?
When the Human accepts false paradigms and ideals of society as his|her own, they become trapped in the thick, sweet delusion of cause bigger than themselves. Oh how safe we feel, led to the slaughter among the puppets that spout and dance to the tunes they have had piped into their heads.
Danger Will Robinson, Danger!
I was often incensed when I would read the words of mystics that described the material world as falsehood, because as it exists in potentiality, as the glory of God is spread out before us, there is only truth and beauty. It is not the material world that is evil or false, rather it is mankind’s perception of it that is flawed and mired by the flowing of our own imaginings and constant need to name, describe and control.
We want to know god, so we create a religion rather than simply allowing God to be One with us. We want to live in a just society, so we create a form of government, rather than transform our own hearts to be merciful toward others. We want to control our world so we name things, and explore things, and demand that the things within the world meet our human expectations, rather than us conforming to the expectations of the glorious, stunning and subtle existence; the reality that surround us.
Ah, the power held within the human, when he casts it all away; The liberation of not being controlled by the ideas of flawed humanity. Who would believe that losing could be true winning; who would believe that by having nothing you could contain everything? Certainly not me until very recently.
The poor hapless Human, constantly manipulated by ideas and ideals which are totally false and meant only to deceive. Words used skillfully, cutting and maiming, as they herd society to the preordained ends of the ruling elite. Do you still not see it?
You’re a madman! What will I have left, what will I possess if I cast all of my paradigms and sacred beliefs to the four winds? Everything. You will possess all things and you will be conscribed by the one truth that inhabits the void where both nothing and all exist.
“You’re a madman, the Human is filled with evil and society needs laws to conscribe a society.” Are the Human truly evil or is it the bars of belief that imprison us evil? In that clear, bright space of Brahman, that inhabits everything without discrimination; are we not the One, so are we not also perfected from evil when we embrace the love and light and cast away the objects of our desire and understanding?
As I am now, all longing, desire and sense of myself is contained within the living presence of the One, within me. The One that ever defines my world, strengthens my vision, as the spirit overcoming the flesh. Nothing exists for me; there is no truth in me, unless it comes from the ever flowing love of the One.
I know what you’re thinking, because you love your imprisonment. A prison cell is a place of perceived safety, after all you’re surrounded by bars to keep things out…or are they to keep things in.
The Human can only experience God, when he treads fearlessly before them, naked and unafraid. We must approach the One without precept or creed, we must come into their presence without the cloak of accreted ideas. Only in this way can we experience the truth of what God is. The Human must clear the things that are blocking the view, we must see with the clear, bright eye of our inner and outer reason.
The Human must not allow “religion” dictate” the prescribed means of our spiritual attainment. You must blot out the strident voices of the human priest class, who casts you as evil and in need of salvation; the salvation that only their religion can provide.
God is love and truth; he has given you the breath of life out of his mercy and longing for you to be. The world is a place of shimmering beauty, these few things are all you need to know. just tur around within, the light of God is there along with your very best self.