Painting by Nicholas Roerich
Wandering, wandering, wandering, when the promise land, Shambhala, already existed and was found by spiritual explorers before I was born. Why am I the messenger of Fire in today’s world? A messenger spurned and ignored, hidden among the forests of spiritual ideas. Many knew of the coming fiery salvation of the world, long before I incarnated in this lifetime. Time is short, and many of us who have been sent to prepare the world for the coming and we must awaken the sleepers who are depending on their “get out of jail free” cards. The only way to pass through the coming conflagration is with a heart immersed in fire which strengthens the spiritual will. We must fight fire with fire.
If I had stumbled across these writing earlier, I would have dismissed them, as they are associated with Theosophy, which I always saw as a somewhat discredited path. My soul had to actually experience the Fiery Realms, to be able to believe the words written here. Don’t dismiss this as some “New Age” nonsense. It is not. And if you are a Christian, the Fiery Baptism was the calling of your faith, yet you never pursued it and this is the reason you walk in weakness. It was the fire of the Holy Spirit that was given to strengthen your will, to immerse your being in God’s love, and to guide you in the world, but you abandoned your birthright. You refused to accept her nurturing of your soul and you have become lost. This is why I am here now.
“Agni Yoga is a synthesis of all yogas. In all the ancient Hindu scriptures the approaching Fiery Epoch has been predicted. It is said that Agni– the Fire that is found in varying degrees at the foundation of all yogas will saturate the atmosphere of our planet tremendously, and all the branches of yoga will be fused into a fiery synthesis. Verily, Agni Yoga is a fiery baptism.“
“Ur or Aditi (Sanskrit: अदिति “limitless”), in the Vedas and Living Ethics is the mother of the gods and all twelve zodiacal spirits from whose cosmic matrix the heavenly bodies were born. As celestial mother of every existing form and being, the synthesis of all things, she is associated with space and with mystic speech. She is mentioned nearly eighty times in the Rigveda: the verse “Daksha sprang from Aditi and Aditi from Daksha” is seen by Theosophists as a reference to “the eternal cyclic re-birth of the same divine essence” and divine wisdom. “Ur is the root of the Light of Fire”, it is stated in the holy writ of Agni Yoga.” Wikipedia
Shambhala (Sanskit: शम्भलः, Tibetian: བདེ་འབྱུང;) is the birthplace of Kalki, the final incarnation of Vishnu, who will usher a New Age – Satya Yuga. Shambhala is ruled by Maitreya. The Kalachakra Tantra prophesies that when all is lost, Kalki will emerge from Shambhala to vanquish the “Dark Forces” and usher a worldwide Golden Age. Shambhala is also called Shangri La. Wikipedia
I was baptized in the Holy Spirt when I was in high school and it has remained as burning embers within me since then. In pursuit of the world, I have often neglected to put fuel on the fire and at times the embers have been hidden by a covering of ash. In spite of this, the Holy Spirit has often led me to sing praises to God, to sing to the Everything that I Am, in unknown tongues.
So here is the thing; my loving God by his|her grace has had me wandering through wilderness of the mystery of the Spiritual Fire. I have been pulled by this weird compulsion to get to the root of the Divine Mother, Shakti, Kundalini, etc… and the role in transforming the Human. I have recently found that their have been other humans who have been overcome by this same vision, in the early twentieth century developing what they call Agni Yoga. There is an Agni Yoga Society in New York and you can read all of the writings surrounding Agni Yoga there. https://agniyoga.org/
So I have been learning more about Agni Yoga in books by Vincente Beltran-Anglada and Nicholas and Helena Roerich. As always I am writing before I have finished reading. Time is short! There are many writings to access Agni Yoga at Roerich Museum, New York.
Fiery World 1: “4. It would seem that the Fiery Baptism already has been clearly expounded. Tongues of fire have been manifested above the heads of people, but they do not wish to accept the existing reality. They pretend to reverence the Scriptures but fail to accept them in life. Not all could accept and observe calmly the non-scorching flame as you saw it, yet it was quite real, with all the properties of fire except that of scorching. But one has to have an open heart to face the flame. People have grasped a crude manifestation in the form of electricity, but without applying the fiery properties of the human organism they cannot advance toward a refinement of the manifestation. A new dawn for mankind will come when the understanding of Fire enters life.
Fiery World 1: “12. The approaching fiery waves are extremely terrifying if one does not know about them and does not assimilate them with the fires of one’s own heart.“
Fiery World 1: 16. Is it possible for one belonging to the fiery element to be transformed into a creature of other energies? Impossible. But one belonging to another element can be transformed into a fiery being, because Fire is omnipresent. Of course, these leaps are not easy. Great exertion of spirit is needed to transmute the heart for unification with the higher energy. But the Fiery Gates are not closed—“Knock, and it shall be opened unto you.” Thus, all Teachings summon to the Fiery Baptism.
Fiery World 1: 17. The substance of fiery immunity was described by Zoroaster. He pointed out that from each pore of the skin people could call forth fiery rays to smite all evil. A man clad in a protective armor cannot succumb to any contagion. One can increase this resistance through unity with Hierarchy. Thus, the heart becomes like a sun reducing all microbes to ashes.
26. “The Fiery Serpent rising above the Chalice in the form of the serpent of Moses, like the Arabic figure eight, indicates the tension of the Chalice, because the Chalice is filled with Fire. The accumulations and precipitations in the Chalice constitute the fiery substance. Thus, primarily we are fiery beings. Only with such conviction do we begin to grow the so-called fiery wings. Are these tappings not fiery drops seeking admission? Are these not fiery waves, which intensify the rhythm? Let each reminder about Fire serve as a saturation with solemnity.“
Fiery World 1 “18. Indeed, the bacilli of cancer exist. They can be detected and killed primarily by the fire of the heart. If the absence of psychic energy contributes to their growth, then the fire of the heart, being the highest expression of consciousness, destroys them. In fact, everything that is readily consumed by the higher energy can be mitigated also, to a certain extent, by physical fire. The roots of many plants contain in themselves potent fires of the vegetable kingdom and can be useful where the fires of the heart are as yet inactive.”
Fiery World 30: “On finding himself beyond the boundaries of the three dimensions even the most cold-blooded person will be terrified in his heart if he is unprepared for the next realization. One cannot leap from one state to another without a fiery tempering. Thus, it is impossible to assimilate the beauty and solemnity of the Subtle World without a timely refinement of the heart. One can stand insensate in the dark before the most wondrous works of art, but the darkness is within ourselves! And one can kindle the Spatial Fire only by the fire of the heart. It has been said many times that the Great Fire is manifested through our hearts. Therefore, let him who remains in darkness blame only himself. But it is terrifying to remain in the darkness of the fourth dimension, and all the succeeding dimensions become hideous nightmares when not illumined by the fire of the heart.“
41. “The concept of Shambhala is actually linked inseparably with fiery manifestations. Without the application of purified Fire it is impossible to approach the higher concepts. Throughout the entire world people are divided into those who are conscious of Shambhala as the Highest Measure and those who deny the future. Let the word Shambhala be known to but a few; each has a different tongue, but the heart is one. One must manifest solicitous attention to each one who is ready to proceed toward Light. The heart must embrace each manifestation that reverberates to the Good. But only under the Flaming Dome are all equal.”
Fiery World 1: 44. “Also remember that the fiery energy grows and works incessantly if the heart is aflame. Thus, it is easier to understand the already mentioned divisibility of the spirit. Flame is divisible without harm and does not require either space or time. Thus, when you are seen simultaneously in different countries, you need not be surprised, for this is only one of the qualities of the fiery tension. Of course, this fiery tension produces a pressure on the solar plexus. One must realize how the unification of the fire of the heart with the Fire of Space tenses all centers.”
Fiery World 1: 47. “The approach of the Subtle World to the earthly one is one of the great fiery tasks. Imperceptibly, much is being done toward this end. But, in addition, it is necessary to strengthen a consciousness of this in the minds of people. One should affirm its reality and remove it from the category of a fairy tale. It is not sufficient that somewhere results have already been achieved, for the slightest improvement demands a conscious acceptance. If this is apparent even with everyday discoveries, then how much more is it felt when it concerns man himself! It is difficult for man to yield even in the smallest! Rare are the heroes who shed their blood for the good of their fellow man, yet this inner impulse fills the organism with new forces. One should understand the transmutation of the physical body also as a form of heroism. It must serve as an encouragement to realize that the experience of such an approach has already produced excellent and tangible results. People must become accustomed to the fact that the perfecting of conditions of existence must be accelerated, but this must not resemble convulsions. On the contrary, people should not be satisfied with outworn customs; they should learn to rejoice at the new. Joy about the new is already wings to the future.“
Fiery World 1: 70. “Flights into the Subtle World may be difficult; even an experienced consciousness may meet obstacles. Today Urusvati experienced such a difficulty. An effort was needed in order to pierce chemical strata which are formed by astrochemical fusions. The days around full moon are not favorable for flights. The so-called lunar glass can impede, and very strong perseverance is required.”
Fiery World: 665. The Fiery Wall, the Fiery Mist, the Fiery Baptism affirm the fiery reality. For example, people do not wish to understand that the quality of the fire borne by them depends upon themselves. They do not imagine that they themselves can kindle both the salutary and the destructive fires. Perseverance in various directions inevitably imparts to the fire its power and color; therefore it is so difficult to extinguish the consuming fire, which is kindled by the nature of habits. But the Yogi understands the great need of kindling the fire connected with Good. The thought of Good is the measure of consciousness. He who attains begins the ascent in self-abnegation and measures his steps by the criterion of Good. He knows that no mask of Good can disguise him, for deceit is only the illusion of an instant. Therefore, do not forget how the saint revered by you sent greetings to his friend from a great distance. He knew that his friend had set out for an achievement, and their hearts became one in revelation. Nothing can impede the revelation of the heart. Thus, a mutual confession of faith is in itself a foretaste of the language of the Fiery World, where the hidden becomes revealed. It is not surprising that the word of Truth is constantly repeated through the course of the ages. How can Truth be forgotten, though times may vary! One can rejoice at every mention of Truth, for that which we love we speak about, in words and in the heart.
Fiery Word 2: 21.” Many would like to ask to be taught how to enter the Subtle World, but they do not know how to ask without appearing ridiculous. But let the Writings circulate throughout the world, let them be read, if even secretly. Let them be derided during the day and read by night. One may forgive these errors, for no one has given these people a simple guiding formula. Some frightened them, some lulled their consciousness, some lead them away from Truth, but no one indicated to them the beautiful transition to the Summits of Existence. Let us not reproach, but just lately there has been especially much confusion in the world. True, the fact of the existence of the Subtle World is somewhat strengthened in the consciousness, but still people do not know how to deal with such facts and how to reconcile them with the routine of life. They are attempting to pass in silence that which loudly proclaims itself. Thus in the morning hour as well as in the evening let us get accustomed to the thought of the crossing into the Beautiful World. Let it be Beautiful for us.“
Fiery World 2: 22. “Raj-Agni—thus was called that Fire which you call enthusiasm. Truly this is a beautiful and powerful Fire, which purifies all surrounding space. The constructive thought is nurtured upon this Fire. The thought of magnanimity grows in the silvery light of the Fire of Raj-Agni. Help to the near ones flows from the same source. There is no boundary line, no limitations for the wings radiant with Raj-Agni. Do not think that this Fire can be kindled in an evil heart. One must develop in oneself the ability to call forth the source of such transport. At first one must prepare in oneself the assurance that the heart is offered to the Great Service. Then one should reflect that the glory of the works is not one’s own, but belongs to the Hierarchy of Light. Then it is possible to become uplifted by the infinitude of Hierarchy and affirm oneself in the heroic attainment needed for all worlds. Thus not for oneself, but in the Great Service is kindled Raj-Agni. Understand that the Fiery World cannot stand without this Fire.“
Fiery World 2: 36. “After a new cataclysm humanity will enter upon the path of cooperation. But one may imagine what two hostile neighbors must outlive in order to think about mutual benefit. The oppression of one has been the rejoicing of the other. It means that they both must suffer. The devices of the dark forces will help the especially cunning ones to protect themselves. The manifestation of justice is very difficult, if the motives are not taken into consideration.”
The possibility of our faith, supported by our will is so full of God’s abundance…yet as the Christ said “the Human lives in poverty.” We live in poverty because we have allowed the riches of our inheritance be stolen, by the evil priest class and the ruler of this world, that gain power by subjugating other Humans to tests and vows which only serve to bind them, rather than setting their souls free. As the Christ said, “You neither know the way, nor do you allow others to find the way. This is where the Human finds him|herself in the world today.
Let your heart be set alight by the flame of the One, which will give you both the strength and humility to grasp your crown out of the abundance of your God.
- Agni Yoga Series
- Leaves of Morya’s Garden I
- Leaves of Morya’s Garden II
- New Era Community
- Signs of Agni Yoga
- Agni Yoga
- Infinity I
- Infinity II
- Hierarchy
- Heart
- Fiery World I
- Fiery World II
- Fiery World III
- Aum
- Brotherhood
- Supermundane
- On Eastern Crossroads
- Letters of Helena Roerich I
- Letters of Helena Roerich II
- Foundations of Buddhis
Introduction to Agni Yoga by “The Catalonian mystic and occultist,” Vincente Beltran-Anglada.
Fiery World 1: Agni Yoga Society, Inc., New York © 1943, 1969 by Agni Yoga Society. First edition published 1943. Second edition 1969. Reprinted November 2016. Updated August 2021.Translated from Russian by the Agni Yoga Society.
N.K. Roerich “Mother of the World”. Series “Banners of the East”. C.E.1924. Tempera on canvas. 103.4×72.5 cm. N.K. Roerich Museum, New York