I suppose the half dozen people who have read the words here, must wonder why the site is called “Endsigns.” As I’ve written elsewhere, I was totally decieved by the prophets of the 1970’s, propagandized as they were by the lying words of the shills like Cyrus Schofield. I grew up blind to who the real enemies were and who were our natural allies, and are still today. The Christians of today, remain held in chains to these lies; stupid and useless. They are being lead to destruction by the very people they so foolishly venerate. Those that cannot be named.
And since I know, how so many so-called prophets have lead Christians astray, calling the God of All by evil names such as Yahweh; I am very conscribed and cautious in stating beliefs. I’ve read that there is a pit in hell reserved for “those who have lead these little ones astray.” I would rather not spend eternity there.
Its hard to believe that any Human cannot be pressed down by the full weight of the lies and deception in the world today. Yet, most people proceed as the blind, trying to eke our an existence in the material world, never seeing or fearing the demons that are falling around them. The Human captured by normalcy bias, staring at shimmering idols of steel and glass, that do speak and bewitch; believing things will go on as they always have.
We are captured as slaves to the tyrants who have invented our ideology and religious beliefs; as they lead us in psychological chains, passively approaching our own destruction. The coven-oligarchy, that controls the money and the power. Who even at this moment are committing genocide; does no Christian have eyes to see or the heart of God?
If there is a “messiah” about to inhabit at temple in Jerusalem, he will be the antichrist, the devil himself, in human form. Worshipped by the Jews, who will tread upon the lower, goy races of the world, who will be the slaves of the Chosen Ones. In fact the whole book of Revelation proclaims this; yet the Christians miss the point of who the real enemy is, that is leading them to destruction. No one ever proclaimed this in the 1970’s, deceived by the chosen people who invented communism, were the prison-keepers and slaughterers of millions of Christian peasants in the Soviet Union and remain genocidal maniacs to this very day.
Did you not just see the protests out side of the prison camps in Israel, where pious Jews, on fire with the Talmud, have stated that it is lawful under their laws to rape the Palestinians, to rape the Goyim? They are saying they are entitled to rape you! What human would call rape justice; only demons would espouse this evil. And you blindly believe them to be your compatriots and friends. There evil leader, right out of central casting, receives standing ovation after standing ovation in the halls of congress. They have all drunk the wine of deception and are blind to the genocide in Gaza and all the past genocides perpetuated by their Khazarian ancestors.
The Khazarians were notorious for their practice of identity theft in ancient times. They would slaughter an innocent man, take on his persona and steal all of his property. Does any of this sound familiar? Stealing the persona of the Semitic Jews. Stealing the property of the Palestinians. Yet you of Babylon the Great cheer them on. You are truly sick within your souls. When did America become so evil, what influence destroyed a nation?
I sometimes think we have all become mad. The elites mock us, with demonic last supper and the white horseman of the Apocalypse at the Olympic Games.
“And the great dragon was cast out — that serpent of old called the Devil and Satan, who deceiveth the whole world. He was cast out onto the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” Revelation 12:9
The Christians tread in darkness as their ranks are decimated and persecuted across the world. Hundreds of thousands of Christians in Syria and Lebanon, Palestinian Christians, Chinese Christians, Armenian Christians, the Holodomor in Ukraine in the 1920’s and today; the Christian Holocausts all fermented by the same people. The people that hate you, especially the white Europeans, and yet you cannot see.
This is why it is hard to speak, because it is so truly horrific, the events that are unfolding around us. What kind of propaganda would compel children with the help of the parents to commit gender mutilation. Cursed never to be able to conceive children and never to experience an orgasm. What kind of monsters would unleash this upon the Eurocentric world.
And now we watch in silent horror as World War III, the final battle lurks any day now. The alliances have been drawn, The United States, the Whore of the State of Israel, against basically the rest of the world, including Iran, Russia and China. And the fools in Babylon the Great, puffed up with pride, yet disarmed and with enemies within the gates, has no weapons with which to fight, and no army that has the ability to wage a war. You do remember how the government told young white boys how they were racist and evil; how they wouldn’t be promoted on the basis of merit, and now you expect them to fight for this renegade government? Good luck with that draft you’re planning.
This is why I don’t write about the apocalypse; it is much to painful for me to see it unfold. It shatters my paradigms and leaves me empty. And I don’t have it in me to call out and condemn the evil ones; I would rather call them to repentance and show them the way to redemption. And I can only do this with fortitude, forged in a spiritual quest within. So that is why I share spiritual ideals, rather than pontificate on the obvious evil befalling the world. Yet I do pray for a righteous human army to arise and free the Human from the chains of bondage to the death cult.
As the tempest rages about you, know that the One, Braham is within you even in this very moment. “Be in the world, not of it.” Spend time within the temple of your heart, for this is where God dwells within you. The army that is rising to defeat the evil in the world today, will not have physical power, instead they will defeat evil with the unmitigated power of God that resides within.