“They called to the mountains and to the rocks, “Fall on us! Hide us from the face of the One Who sits on the throne. Hide us from the anger of the Lamb... Revelation 6:16 NLV
There are many people who think they are prepared for anything. Maybe you carry a nine milometer in a holster below your clothes, or have a shotgun ready at hand at home, cash buried in the ground along with silver and gold, you may even have gathered copious amounts of food, all neatly stored on shelved. Plenty of toilet paper too… but are you really prepared?
Your life is but a breath and your thoughts are but a “passing train.” Are you truly prepared. Is the center or your being prepared. Have your taken the way that leads to who you really are? Not who your body is, but what the wisp of breathe that survives beyond the grave; your essence, your core, your soul… its very hard to look at yourself with eyes wide open. But my dear friend, you need to accomplish this trip within yourself, right now, no more waiting, and no more excuses. Is it well with your soul?
We paint this story about ourselves, its usually compassionate and sympathetic. I am this way, I believe this way, this is right because, without making the hard edged requirements for testing our beliefs. While this makes us feel good and dulls the pain it isn’t the place or revelation and healing.
What you are about to witness in the coming months and years will be horrific and filled with pain and sadness. It will break many, rendering their very normalcy and sanity, like the torn curtain in the temple, tattered and unrecognizable. People will long for the days we have just passed through. The Christian texts say that people will hide in caves and ask God to crush them so they don’t have to go on living. What horrors would cause those words to pass through the lips of men?
So how is your soul. Is it ready for what is about to come. Don’t be lazy, don’t go with the flow, or you will find yourself smashed to pieces. Many of us are rich in things, but our souls are sick; desperately, quietly sick. It is time to find your healing and the path for your soul. Now, right now, is the time to find the Rock you will cling to when the gales blow, shaking your world, your sanity, and imperiling your soul.
Find something, anything, but don’t depend on just yourself and your earthly skills. They will fail you in the time to come. Don’t simply rely on the easy beliefs transmitted to you when you were a child; instead search, toil, sweat out what you believe now. Find a spiritual path now! Its not for me to tell your heart how to traverse to the center of your being; the place where God dwells. We all have the incredible gift of finding our own way, and if we ask, the Spirit of God will lead us to his love.
I will though give you one warning: If you are relying on an insurance plan religion, I suggest that you don’t. The terror that is coming will test the most grounded soul. If you’re playing the Insurance God card, you’re going to loose it all. God is merciful to every one of us, but we all have to exist within the darkness of this world and the testing of our hearts.
Prep your soul not your body. For the body will surely pass away, but you soul lives on forever.