I suppose the half dozen people who have read the words here, must wonder why the site is called “Endsigns.” As I’ve written elsewhere, I was totally decieved by the prophets of the 1970’s, propagandized as they were by the lying words of the shills like Cyrus Schofield. I grew up blind to who the…
Category: Uncategorized
Summa Iru – Authentic Surrender
Summa Iru is abiding in one’s limitation. There was a river flowing from the mountains to the sea. One man caught in its torrents decided to swim against the flow, in order to reach the destination his mind had set. He was soon drowned by the river. Another man was also caught in the river,…
Transformation of the All, Within Your Heart.
So, I was driving down the road, with my border collie on my lap, with half her body slung out the window, when it hit me! “I am God’s father! And Her Mother. You see, I’ve been singing this little ditty, for months, having no cognition of why; Father, Mother, Sister Brother… In the last…
Fear of Intimacy with God
Many people, especially in the West, denounce god as being out of touch with human circumstances; being out of touch with their most personal longing and heartbreak. So if god is distant and out of touch then why would I, the Human, attempt to form a relationship. Why make the attempt if there will not…
The Crest Jewel of Discrimination and Counting the Cost of Discipleship.
“Timeless Teachings on Nonduality” I just finished Shankara’s, “Crest Jewel of Discrimination”; Translated by Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood. I was overwhelmed with the message and path provided for actually becoming One with God; One with Brahman. But as I finished reading, a sort of dread overcame me, because I understood what would be required…
God is Love – God is All – I am All – I am Love
“Narada defines bhakti as ‘intense love’ for God.” When I honestly look at the adherents of most religions, love is not in them. How can there be so much hate in those who proclaim they have a special relationship with god. Of course, it is impossible; if there is not love, then there is not…
The Most Important Religion is You.
All of the competing organized religions argue and cajole you into believing that they have the perfect vision of god. And once they have gotten your attention and appealed to the natural “god-sense” within your heart, they start demanding that you participate in weird and unifying rituals to strengthen the spiritual sense of the group….
The Vastness of the One Revealed by Rending the Veil Asunder.
“Why do we the Human have such a compelling need to rip the veil so as to know ourselves and to see our Divine nature?” I wrote the words above on Tuesday, and on Wednesday, I was introduced to the “Vision of Hermes. What was so amazing is that it is the same “vision” as…
Come out, Come Out, Wherever you are!!!
God is a fraud, a great imagining of the mind, in need of creating a comforting story of what happens to us when we die. We are frauds, when we proclaim that we know god. That god speaks to us. That god loves us. That god has chosen us or elected us. Where is the…
The Fire of God Indwells Us from the Akashic Realm of Being and Becoming.
Matthew 3: 11-12 “I baptize you with water for repentance. But after me comes one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor, gathering his wheat into the barn…