God is a fraud, a great imagining of the mind, in need of creating a comforting story of what happens to us when we die. We are frauds, when we proclaim that we know god. That god speaks to us. That god loves us. That god has chosen us or elected us. Where is the voice; where is the touch, where is the love?
The Human has no idea of “god,” beyond what some other human told you was true. You are resting your whole belief system on what somebody else said god was, and where his being is, and how his being is both conscribed and infinite.
There he is, over there, glowing and billowing on a throne of glory…or is he?
Oh and Christians, so in love with the demon desert god Yahweh; oh how deceived we all are about who and what god actually is. And it all goes back to the fact that no Human truly has met god. Oh I know, I’ve heard all the beautiful stories…but my god is hiding under the covers, making me search for him and imagine his essential nature to meet my vision and needs.
I sometimes think that this is he whole point of casting these divine sparks of which we the Human are, being cast from the center, and the one pointedness of God. In his/her mercy the One allows us to create the god of our own imagining.
How can we judge god if we are the one who created him/her?
In other words, the god we believe is true, is the god we inherit as our own. If this is the way to god, and if in fact God hides, in a sense, that very hiddenness proves that it is; then it would behoove the Human to create and worship a God of love and mercy. Why would we ever chose to worship a raging demon of hate and destruction, even it he/she was truly god. Cast me into oblivion if this is so!
So god dwells in the darkness of the brightest light so that our minds cannot possibly comprehend him.
Why bother, or “what a bother” as Eeyore would bleat out.
Yet is this dark place of unbelief and doubt came these astounding words:
“For the Human, the problem with faith in a god, is that we cannot comprehend what our faith should be. Most of us would gladly worship and love a God that we could prove through empirical means; that we knew intimately and with certitude. We don’t even know what attributes we should be searching for or what the questions and answers are that would build a god in my mind, heart and soul.”
If only God would pop out like a jack-in-the-box to startle and amaze us in the splendor of his\her presence, this would all be easy. That is the point; your life is a quest to know a hidden God and quests are not meant to be easy.
The Human cannot even envision what it is our longing should attach to as our personal god. “So our belief becomes a kind of locked in stasis; an unrequited state of a fractured quest of the Human cast within the darkness of spiritual blindness. The Human is required to imagine a god without the ability to see.”
Yet, “The individual souls, the multitude of microcosms of the One naturally exist as a Unity, yet separated through the electromagnetic polarity of opposites.”
“The Forms within the Akasha of the One, are perfectly balanced so that through the interplay of attraction and repulsion, all of the created order is in harmony.”
“So as we the microcosm of the One, pull away from the center; away from the creator, the balance remains perfect as in a equal sided equation. The force within the forms are always held in balance by the will and silent rays of love that fill the Akasha with God’s presence. The pull or attraction of the opposite form silently and gracefully adjusts to meet the Human’s individual situation.”
“So in essence, wherever the Human finds him/herself in this life quest, the One is the opposition of our material form in the mirror of the Akashic realm.” And for this reason, we have the power to manipulate the attraction and repulsion of the forms, by aligning our being with the power of the love of God.
“The One plays out our opposite form, or perhaps the opposite form of what conscribes us in the physical world.”
“If we are “the Good”, the One is the evil opposite; If we are distant the One is close. Love flows through the opposition of the forms, resolving the separation and movement in order to restore a balanced Unity.”
“This must be so or the opposite forms, without the attraction to each other, would cause the physical universe to fly off into oblivion.” The equation must equal one.
“If this perfect balance is not maintained, the very One would shatter, and for this reason he/she strains within their being to hold the creation in a state of equilibrium. The Unity of the One.”
“So the One has skin in the game! I know a lot of mystics, philosophers and clergy types like to pontificate that god is in need of nothing. (If this were so, why the need to bring forth children?) The fact is that the One, took a huge gamble by leaping into the unknown of creation. All for his/her purpose; and in reflecting the essence of the One which we are; we are also called to leap into the unknown and become in the same way with no guarantees of success.”
“So good is compelled and fully motivated to hold the expanding Unity together as One. Because by holding the parts together, the One is actually holding him/herself together. If the balance is lost, if the charge is extinguished, All is lost.”
“As the microcosmic sparks play out their being in the Akashic realm, so it appears in the material world, out of the forms, that first arise in the fiery light.”
“The only way for the Human to know the One, in our physical form, is by having a part of the Akashic realm within us.”
“And through the Holy Spirit, or Mother, that indwells us, that rests at the base of the spine and then arises; when we have set the spiritual fire free within us, and allow it to rule over us, we, the Human have the power to change the balance in the Akashic realm.”
“All can be healed, All can be saved, All can be restored.”