The Blood and Terror of the Human is Nectar Stirred up for the Gluttony of Demons.
“You keep asking me to reveal myself to you. You’re so silly in your blindness. I laugh because if you only understood who we are, you would be astounded. You do not know me, because I am you; and that actuality is beyond your carnal reasoning. You cannot find me, because I am you! You are looking for yourself. I am actually you, and I dwell in union with your spiritual self. We are One, yet separate. If you only knew yourself, my being within you would become manifest to you.”
Religion is a crutch. Religion is an elaborate edifice of bloviation. Each and every one used to manipulate you onto a certain path where you can summon the courage to believe in something, anything; as long as I am not the first cause of my own belief. “Give me something to believe in!” Not something that has arisen out of you, but something you have taken off a shelf, because you just don’t want to do the work to find the One and the Way within. You just won’t take the responsibility and you won’t pick up the staff, and become your own priest; which god has authorized you to be, even as he patiently waits within you, for your awakening.
“The Saints, the Saviors, the Sages, the Buddhas and the mystics all illuminate the truth of me within them and then their essence is stolen and misshapen.”
Besides, you really don’t care about god; your heart is far from him|her, even as the One resides in your brow and sees and experiences everything you do; in real time as they say. You just want an insurance policy, or a covering for your evil acts toward others. You really don’t care about the “god” part. It’s all about what’s in it for you. “The justification to take advantage of others who are not of you. The reason you slaughter your “enemy” with impunity with your superior sense of self-righteousness. You need a god in order to create an enemy, because deep, deep within you, there is the knowledge that we are all One.
“Well the priest said it, the saint wrote about it, the spirit of god revealed it…god orders you to do it; god hates those who are not of us.” Exclusion and exclusivity is the balm of religion that keeps the troops in line, and focuses their hate upon the Other.
Most religions and the isms condemn those who do not practice their rites and rituals. Nations hate other nations without cause. Tribes hate other tribes. They call you heathens. They call you goys. They call you Bourgeoisie. They call you intellectuals. They call you kafir. They call you kike. They call you Tutsi. As you slaughter and you are slaughtered for just being and believing. They slaughter for an idea or an ideal. Can you imagine one man calling for the death of another simply because of what they believe. They slaughter for your belief in a god they do not know, for if they did, slaughter would not be in their hearts. They prescribe your destruction on earth and condemn you to an eternity in hell. All to cover the barrenness of their ideals. the lack of spiritual power in their religion and the hatred within their hearts.
“I am God. I am One. I do not demand the slaughter of any Human. All of the Human are my beloved children. I exist in every one.” It is the demons pretending to be God, who demand the blood, so they can feed themselves with the negative energy of the terror. The sacrifice of men, woman, children and animals that releases the nectar for demons. The terror and disgust of both the slaughterer and the slaughtered. The negative emotion that feeds the egregores of nations.
The One is in each and every one of us; the One is each and every one of us. We are all precious jewels; we are all pearls of great price to the One. God cares not what religion you ascribe to; God cares about the quality of your heart.
“The self that you feel inside yourself, is a perfect part of me.” If people only understood… I am what animates every Human. The Palestinian child you murder is the Living God you say you worship; so what is the penalty for blaspheming and murdering the Living God? I am the within the Christians in Armenia and the Muslims who do the slaughtering, and I see your suffering and your crimes. I am with the Uyghurs in China and I observe you through the CCP torturers as I observe them through you. What is the penalty for hating the Living God that exists within the Other, that you passionately hate? The slaughters, the Holodomor, the communists holocausts of their own citizens; the blood flowing, the screams of terror, the cries for help and deliverance, all ignored by the hatred in your hearts; after all they are the Other. What’s in it for me? I have watched it all and felt your hatred toward the other, I feel your lack of love and empathy, as I have dwelled within and among you; so that none can boast or lie when they come before me.
I AM disgusted by America, Babylon the Great, who is lead by hooks in its mouth, into hatred of the innocents at the behest of the evil ones. A haughty and proud people who think that god has chosen them; and on infinitem to all the national frauds who will face judgement for their evil deeds. I will give them up to their lusts and I will lead them to the slaughter because they have not chosen to follow the Way to me which is within them. Why do you refuse to heed the humble yet powerful words of the Christ that you claim to worship.
Is not the greatest commandment to love others as yourself, and to love God with all your strength. So you continually break this commandment and sail on your merry way, with the props of religion to tell you everything you do is just fine. All rules can be bent with enough money and in the right court. It is not fine and you are not OK. God is not mocked.
“I am all of you. I see every action and feel every emotion; all of it is conscribed by me. If it were not so, I would not be God. I would not be the One. I would instead be a demi-god upon a throne; if I were not everything that exists.”
I experience every vibration and emanation within my created order. I am All. I am You. You are me.