The perfect symbiosis of man and god.
Can you imagine having the prescience and total illumination contained within the One? It must be glorious and perfected in its being; yet possibly it is not. If you as a being, embracing All within yourself, how could you ever comprehend your own being, especially if you were a totality of perfection.
The One overshadowed by its own light and love, by its control of unmitigated power; how would that being understand frailty and weakness, how would compassion arise in that rarified atmosphere?
It could not, and in self-reflection the One understood that having it All is full of emptiness. So the One, took the leap, with all of material existence flowing in vibrational waves from his|her being; he/she becoming two within themselves. The One dividing into perfected fractal portions of itself, so there was true, “other” of equal substance beyond its own being.
All the angels cried out to the One, imploring the Living One to remain as he/she always was. They urged that God remain held fast within the ignorance of his/her own power. Its as if some among the angels wanted God to remain blinded to his/her own lack. When God’s loving, yet blinded heart called him/her to renege his/her power, all of heaven cried out at the revolution that was taking place. The One was to become two; not created beings like the angles, not mere playthings, no it was God’s intention to actually divide him/herself in order to bring forth living children of the same substance and same being.
So out of the One, we were made, the living likeness of the love and light of God. The Human was called to become the vehicle of becoming for both God and man.
God, the One chose to pursue self-knowledge through the limitation of the Human, and in each and every one of us, God dwells within us, the Watcher perceiving separated being and the relationship between disparate parts. Gods sees all of us, but more importantly he comes to understand him/her self, by being an integral part of every Human.
God is everything within existence; he/she is the animating principle of the universal consciousness within the Human. He/She is the ying and the yang, the salvific principle and the pathway to hell. We within God, and as God, the Human becoming with our beloved Mother and Father, as close as touching, experiencing the vibrational vision and emanation of All things out of the Center of Love.
True love can only emerge from two.
Imagine God as the animating principle, Braham set within millions of Human avatars, experiencing it all with us. The “supreme enjoyer” resplendent with the glory of All that has flowed from within his/her being.
The observer enjoying the riot of life within all of us, the source of all being, existing as both the seer and the seen.
And here is the good news; God is generous, gentle and kind and when we give up the need to control, and we request the fullness of the presence of the One, all the power, love and light flow within us. When we cede control we are illumined with the love, light and nous (Spirit) of God.
When we unite fully with the One, by casting away all of our false paradigms, we diminish and by this diminishing, we our magnified into unbreakable, crystal nothingness. Yet in this void, we take on the full presence of the One who transforms us into the reflection of him/herself.
God is whispering to you during every moment of our shared existence; intimately sharing with us; fully experiencing our burdens and pain with a compassionate heart of love. Those few among us, who diminish themselves in emulation of the One, we are made strong by the love and light of our original being within the One.
This is enlightenment. This is liberation. Knowing that God always exists with us, as out father, mother, brother, sister and beloved friend. And as our feet move upon the earth we trod upon God in all his/her glory.
Our emanation from the One is the vehicle God rides into his/her creation.
This is a God who is deep, rich and imbued with the glory of One who has chosen to renounce his/her own power and chooses to use asymmetrical separation as a vehicle of becoming for all of his being, including the Human. God would never ask his children to pursue a path other than his/her own. That is why the love, light and nous of God calls us to renounce our own human power in order to become weak within love. In so doing, we are simply reflecting God, whom we say we love.
The Human has not been separated from God, how could that ever be so? The Human is fully God, as God observing his/her creation.
John 3:8- “The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.”
Every Human is born of the Spirit, it is our simple and profound task to stop and be still in order to acknowledge this within ourselves. This is all of the law, and all of the spiritual intellection of thousands of ages. This is the simple truth that you are searching for in all of the wrong places. The only place that matters to the One, that experiences everything within you, is your eternal heart; the being of love and light that you have always been, because you are the fractal essence of the One.
It is impossible for the Human to see God with the eyes of this world. For the things that are esteemed in this world are trivial to the One. God searches the hearts of the Human searching for those that reflect his light and love. And a river of blessing and a hedge of security lead their way. Fear not!
We gain everything by casting all we have and all that we are away, following the asymmetric path of non-attachment as our loving, guiding principle. In this way we merge fully into the being of the One.
Oh silly Human, have you not discovered that you gain everything by the very act of losing everything? But here is the thing, the very delicious bit, once your lose everything, you also gain everything, a perfected balance within the love and light of the One you have allowed to shine forth from within yourself.
Its about to get stormy and wild; rejoice, it is also a time of transformation and the illumination of the Human. The One is about to do a great work and you are here now to witness and be amazed!
May the God of love and light whose substance you are bless you and transform you into his image. And all of the children sang amen!