So I am reading two diametrically opposed views on how we should approach the One and conduct our being in the world. The competing and incompatible ideas forming a synthesis into One. I have to admit from the beginning that I have had a semi-orgasmic love of ideas, a rising ascendancy of self, based on what I became, because of what I knew…and my brain is stuffed with a cacophony of widely divergent intellectual knowing.
Many books, which are nothing but spirit destroyers, are referenced on the book page if you’re interested…But You Shouldn’t Be! Don’t get caught up in the sticky wicket of ideas…they are meant to form an illusion. You need to break the illusion. You need to become crystal, apprehending the world with the power and love of the One. The Link “Reading for the Soul.” is at the top of the page.
“Fuck that you sucker!” Monkey Brain has entered the chat.
“The problem is all inside your head,” she said to me
“The answer is easy if you take it logically
I’d like to help you in your struggle to be free
There must be fifty ways to leave your lover”
She said, “It’s really not my habit to intrude
Furthermore, I hope my meaning won’t be lost or misconstrued
But I’ll repeat myself at the risk of being crude
There must be fifty ways to leave your lover”
Fifty ways to leave your lover…” Paul Simon
I am in love with erudition of intellectual ideas! They are my lover and I long for their caress. That is why I am so in love with Plotinus, Neo-Platonian, Greek thought in general and the foundational principles of Western Civilization. Whew!
And I can’t help thinking as I am introduced to the Enneads there was a flowing current between Greece and India. When you read the Enneads and the Bhagavad Gita, scriptures from East and West and in between, it seems all spiritual Wisdom is derived from the inspiration of our Mother, held within the Temple of our Hearts; there is a flowing continuum of shared spiritual thought…or is it all self contained within us. Do we intuitively understand the beings that we are and what upholds that being?
My guilty pleasure in fifth grade, or rather one of my guilty pleasures in fifth grade, was sitting in the back of mind-numbing math class and reading passages out of the Encyclopedia Britannica, whose pristine pages, only my fingers tread upon. I was passionately in love with the knowledge of everything and anything. That thin wispy paper contained the ideas of civilization. Was it all a dangerous sojourn in the world of the intellect?
This isn’t a brag; it is rather a confession as to why I am caught up in the world of ideas. I’m in love. I have books tumbling out of every crevice of my home.
And just to even this up, so you get the full picture, I was also a bit of a Juvenile Delinquent at the time, well more than a little bit. I never got in trouble; I was too smart for that! Haha. You see now why I fell in love with the intellect. It is the brave and strong soldier that guides me and protects me from my fear of the world.
Yet, what if we, perceived the world in a way, where the Human didn’t feel they needed protection. What if we were so contained within our Father and indwelled by our Mother; what if we reneged our own power fully, so that God could enter, and we could rest with the assurance of the love that has captured us?
For the Neo-Platonists intellect is the One, the first cause from which flows spirit which then births soul. So you can see why I would have an affinity with the Neo-Platonists. Is the intellect really the enemy that the paths of the East say that it is? Cannot the intellect be harnessed for the good without the need to literally slay it and stomp it under the feet of our souls? You can see that I am lost without the intellect and naturally want to defend it; what would I become without it?
Who the fuck is this imposter self who is leading me in the wrong direction? This chattering monkey that I have fallen so madly in love with? Can I really do without it? What would be left if I murdered that lying son of a bitch who seeks to inform my world. What would I become? How would I reason? How would I know the difference between good and evil? How would I follow the Way in the world? What would my mind be like if it is empty, I knew a blonde once…oh never mind. Seriously, how does a Human exist, without the guidance of the “imposter self?” Who will define my self and my world for me if not it?
“The most effective means to stop the tricks of the imposter self is to increase your desire for liberation. The desire for liberation is the desire for freedom from: 1. The Imposter Self. 2. This false dreamlike world. 3. All forms of suffering. The desire for liberation is also the desire to live as the true self so that you can enjoy Awareness-Love-Bliss forever.” Seven Steps to Awakening
Yes! I want this. I want to be that! But what self will I become. What world will I inhabit? Can we truly escape suffering? Can we live in Bliss continuingly? Can we become One?
“My son, you are already that self; You are me! You have been blinded by what your mind has told you; instead see the world with the eyes and heart of your mother that dwells within you. Cast aside the monkey brain, and become One within us. In perfect love we will lead you and strengthen you. You will remain deceived so long as the monkey is ascendant in you.”
You, always with the easy answers…I should just rest in you, but wouldn’t my self be obliterated? I have kind of fallen in love with myself…in fact I am fascinated by myself…there is nobody I like better. I like myself, and a few thousand psychiatrists say that is healthy.
Who am I to argue with the certitude of the APA about self esteem? What self would I become without my ego, intellect and desire?
“Oh Calm Down. Why are you always such a drama queen? Blabbering on about your rights, your needs…its very tiresome for me. Stop, Rest and strip away all the ideas that you have accumulated on your many lives journeying, and become conformed by me. If I am love, If I am truth, If I am your eternal Mother and Father, why would you not want to become One with me? Why do you hold so tightly to that shining object that you love, when you could cast it away, reach up to the One, and have the power, love and infinite intellect of the One?”
Monkey Brain enters the chat: “Well, Father, Mother, it was you in concerted union that spewed forth billions of souls. Your Children. Why? For what purpose? Why did you become my world? Did I dream you into existence in the same manner you dreamed me? And if less than one in a million Humans succeed in bringing the imposter self to its final end; What happens to the rest of us? Are we just cast aside? Cast aside because of the gifts that you have given to us as part of our becoming? Why can’t I have both? “
Wouldn’t this path require man to accept that he|she was actually in fact God? Am I to be dominated by the intellect of the One, in order to achieve self-realization. What if the Human was able to recapture that aspect in her/himself? What if a man truly surrendered his|her false selfhood and took on and became captured by the intellect of God instead? By surrendering to the One. Cannot I have Awareness-Love-Bliss while retaining my intellect. Is awareness and awakening impossible while the monkey brain chats and spins in the back of my head?
It was said about The Christ, who was possibly a Phoenician by the way, “He was the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power.” Hebrews 1:3
Can I also become the “radiance of his glory, the exact imprint of the nature of the One?
I have a hankering to fly, like St. Joseph of Copertino or the Great Sages of the East. If I become One can the weight of my body become a wisp as I pull myself up into the ether? I actually dream about it as I feel my will lifting me up. Alas its a dream. Maybe I could cast my bodily form into the separate molecules that form it, for a specific spiritual task such as the Shamans of Mongolia, who flew to the West to transform a culture in need of spirituality.
What potential is held within the Human that reflects the radiance of the One?
In Christ all the fullness of deity dwells bodily.” Colossians 2:9
Then if Christ dwells within me, does deity also?
Wait a minute, slow down, can I become this, Am I that? Is the Godhead in only select Avatars or do we all rest within the glory and a part of the nature of the One?
“The sages pure mind which beholds as a mere witness the whole world is like a mirror which reflects the foolish thoughts of those that come before him. And these thoughts are then mistaken to be his.” Sri Ramana Maharshi
Who then will teach me and inform me of who and what I am. Can I truly make my way past the sentinels, the Great Archons, and dwell on the mountain of my God? Can I tread the path of true awakening in the presence of the One? Can I become the radiance of the glory of the One? When the presence of the Spirit, Our Mother, descends upon the strings of light and vibration, part which is in “Heaven” and part which is in me; cannot I fully become the radiance of glory? Did not the Christ promise this to the Human?
And Lord Krishna says this…
Bg.7.7 — O conqueror of wealth, there is no truth superior to Me. Everything rests upon Me, as pearls are strung on a thread.
Bg 7.26— O Arjuna, as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, I know everything that has happened in the past, all that is happening in the present, and all things that are yet to come. I also know all living entities; but Me no one knows.
Bg 7.3— Those in full consciousness of Me, who know Me, the Supreme Lord, to be the governing principle of the material manifestation, of the demigods, and of all methods of sacrifice, can understand and know Me, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, even at the time of death.
Bg 9.4 — By Me, in My unmanifested form, this entire universe is pervaded. All beings are in Me, but I am not in them.
Bg 9.5 — And yet everything that is created does not rest in Me. Behold My mystic opulence! Although I am the maintainer of all living entities and although I am everywhere, I am not a part of this cosmic manifestation, for My Self is the very source of creation.
Bg 9.17 — I am the father of this universe, the mother, the support and the grandsire. I am the object of knowledge, the purifier and the syllable oṁ. I am also the Ṛg, the Sāma and the Yajur Vedas.
Bg 9.24 — I am the only enjoyer and master of all sacrifices. Therefore, those who do not recognize My true transcendental nature fall down.
Bg 10.8 — I am the source of all spiritual and material worlds. Everything emanates from Me. The wise who perfectly know this engage in My devotional service and worship Me with all their hearts.
Bg 10.39 — Furthermore, O Arjuna, I am the generating seed of all existences. There is no being – moving or nonmoving – that can exist without Me
What would happen if every Human stood up and said from this moment forward I identify as nothing. I simply identify as “I am.” I have no need of a earthly back-story to cast my being. I have been given the power to become and to be. “I am not a Christian, I am not a Jew, I am not a Muslim, I am not an American, a German, I am not a Communist, I am not a Capitalist, I am not a Democrat and I am not a Republican. I am not Chinese; I am not hateful, and the Other is not my enemy. I am not all of the accreted ideas that I have clothed myself with during my lives journey. I am more than this and what I am is hidden by the suffocating cloak cast by the monkey brain. I Am and nothing more needs to inform me.
For in truth I am the Living God held fast within the human body. This soul of mine which has descended through spirit into my body. This soul which exists both here and in the Akashic realm at this very moment, transcending both material and spiritual existence, in this very moment is in essence a fractal portion of myself; the being of the One.
What if every Human, simply became as crystal and submitted to the Unity of the One. What would happen if we became empty vessels, seeing everything as for the first time, by becoming unified with God, and fully participating, awakened and aware within the Universal Consciousness of God?
What if we were truly spiritual as well as human?
What if every moment was brand new?
What would the world become if we no longer believed the casting of illusion? If we slew the monkey brain and lived in union with the One. If we were aligned an at rest rather than rebelling.
What if we experienced the world as the observer, rather than seeking to impose our will, on what the One has already willed. In other words, what if the Human learned to swim with the current rather than against it. What if the Human and the One merged becoming the beautiful, shining beings we were meant to be.