God: what is God, who will define God for me, who will craft the image of God so I can understand the ineffable, who will provide the path to God for me so I don’t tread in misdirection, who will seek to define God in me, and then overthrow that God in me, leaving me empty and without God.
All of the religious systems are corrupted by the pride of man. They provide a path that does not emanate from within our own being. They are false paths, because they are not of you; they are not projected from within the conjoined being you share with God. “Your Way will be manifest out of your own being my son, for my love of you is the substance that you will use to craft your own Way; as you pass through the world, it will open before you, out of the love of our shared being.” Fear not, you have the power and actual living presence of God within you.
You are searching for the God who is actually looking through your own eyes and who experiences the world through your own heart. You are searching for God where he isn’t, because you are afraid to come to the understanding that he|she is as close to you as touching. The unity that exists between you and the One, remains, even as you deny it. The unity remains even in the midst of your hatred and depredations. “I will never depart from you, even to the ends of the earth.”
Why O Human have you chosen to follow a depiction of God that was created by other humans? Your Soul is eternal and imbued with the Light and Power of the One. The multiplicity and infinity of your being is beyond your understanding because you prefer the easy way. The way that has been crafted by others, whom you’ve never met and who you can’t possibly know, and whose truth or falsehood you can’t begin to comprehend; whether its basis is worthy of your trust. Religion is a recipe book, a code which we choose to follow because it comfortable. Because we were coded with religious meaning in childhood.
Many rely on a chosen faith so they don’t have to take the faltering first steps to the path of revealing the God within. Its is easier to follow a form or a phantom than actually wrestling with the One within. It takes grit and determination to strive with God until he blesses you. Who actually wants to spend time in communion with God, in everything.
No, we want the God on a shelf, who we can take down and polish up when we need him. “All the time,” what are you nuts!” The One is with you all of the time; you just don’t want to acknowledge him|her and allow him|her to consciously exist within you. You want to keep Good locked on a chain, and release him|her when it suits you. For God, the time is always extant and the depth of love is always overflowing, but you need to have your being open so his|her presence can overflow through you.
Who has the courage to strike out on their own and to define their own beliefs and their own spirituality? A faith that arises from the clear dark pool of the One. A faith that we lift from out of the Akasha of the One and spread before ourselves with love and gratitude.
Stop; be still and know yourself, so that you might know the One and understand that you, yourself are also unified with the One.
Just because other humans profess the same faith as you, does not make it so. Numbers are not the test of spiritual certitude. The Christ, went to the desert, alone! He faced down both his Father and the Evil One in the forbidding desolation of the desert. Is he not the Human upon which we are to model our faith? While on a forty day fast and with the depravation of all human comfort he sought to know the truth. He went alone to accomplish his own becoming, by facing down evil, and elevating the One within Himself. He was lifted up as he lifted up God. He was lifted up as He was obedient to God. As he surrendered and allowed God to become as One within His being, he was glorified.
This is the true spiritual path of the Human.
I luxuriate within the apostasy of my deep and abiding love of the God that is within me and the God within whom I am passing through. And with gratitude I play, laugh and silently gaze upon the One speaking softly of my love and devotion.