
Dhanvantari and Asclepius
For the one or two people who might have read what I have written here, you might assume that I am just some deluded old man. That’s fine, I have no problem with that; most spiritual seekers at some point appear totally mad. The good news is I won’t be stripping naked as a sign of my fidelity to God! So here goes; I am casting away my pride and sobriety and and I am resting within the One who loves me best.
Hold on tight!
In 2019, just as the covid-19 hysteria was hitting, I had a dream in which the God Asclepius diagnosed my physical ailments, showed them to me of a glowing black tablet and told me he would heal me. That dream may have saved my life because I never fell for the hysteria and was never vaccinated. Thank God because as Rudolf Steiner predicted, almost a hundred years ago, vaccines would be used to destroy the connection of man with God. I would rather die than be disconnected from the One.
So more recently, I traveled to what I believed was the Akashic realm and it was there that I met Asclepius again and within the flaming light he dove head first into my etheric body in order to adjust something in me. This being never told me he was Asclepius yet I knew intuitively that he was.
I am so glad that nobody reads what I write for I surely must appear mad, yet I have never been more centered and connected to the One; so I just don’t care was other people think of me. Boy is that liberating. “I am the Avadhut. I’m Nectarian knowledge, unchanging bliss; I’m everywhere, like space.”
So here is the question; Did I manifest the book that would verify my experience or did my beloved God in his mercy, give me a confirmation of my experience. Both possibilities are filled with incredible potentialities. There were only a few pages that were relevant to my travel, but they were very illuminating.
So the book I was lead to read is the, “Doorways to Light” by Guruji Krishnananda. It was a very interesting read until I was metaphorically hit up the side of my head with the following bit:
“One day, Amara narrated his Astral work that he had attended during the week. He asked to go to another galaxy and invite a Rishi living on earth there to come to the Himalayas. Amara travelled there astrally. He said every time he travelled to another galaxy, it was a wonderful experience for him – to zoom past the stars and earths and admire the shape of our galaxy from a distance.”
We asked him, how he could go to a particular earth and how he could identify it. He explained it was not difficult for him. He was fitted with several Astral gadgets that guided him. Every worker under the Rishis will have many gadgets fitted in. Amara had mastered a special technique that led him straight to his destination.”
“Amara went to the Rishi. At that time he was talking to a person. He saw Amara entering his hut, smiled at him and gestured him to sit down.”
“On that earth, people did not have physical bodies, They lived in their Astral bodies. So there were no births and deaths as on this earth.”
“Was that earth like ours?”
“Yes. But everything there was in Astral form – the mountains, birds, etc. I have come across stranger earths. There is one earth which is self-luminous, It is lit from its own core. It was wonderful to see huge fish in the sea illumed by light beneath the sea.”
“Amara conveyed to the Rishi, the message from Markandeya Maharishi in the Himalayas… Amara went the next day and accompanied the Rishi to the Himalayas. Markandeya Maharshi requested his help in retrieving a gadget from a place in Italy. Again, Amara accompanied the Rishi to Italy. At a place where, once upon a time, were the twin cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, they went underground and the Rishi spent more than an hour searching for the gadget and found it. This Rishi was Dhanvantari and he was known to the Greeks as Asclepius, the god of medicine. He knew about the gadget. It was used in blowing up Sodom and Gomorrah when the people there would not heed the words of God, warning them about their sinful ways of life.”
“The gadget was handed over to Markanddeya Maharshi. Dhanvantari stayed on for a few days more on this earth and then returned to his earth. Markandeya Maharshi made over this gadget to Lord Kalki.”
Lord Kalki! We wanted to know more about him, Amara briefed us:
Lord Kalki was born in 1924 in Shambala. He was educated and trained in Shambala like other Avataras. Now he is living in Shambala. He remains at the age of twenty-four years because in Shambala, people do not age…Our Rishis are equipping him with more powers and gadgets for use, later on, during the destructive part of Pralaya. He is the one who will judge the people and punish. He is waiting for indications from the Sapta Rishis to begin his work. The Sapta Rishis are constantly monitoring the responses from humanity to the requirements of the New Age and are reporting to him. If humanity does not rise to expectations, Lord Kalki will contact every individual on earth through the mass communication systems like the TV and Radio and will address them, not once, but several times before plunging himself into action. Then he wipes out all Adharma and the people holding on to it from the face of the earth.” (In Hinduism, adharma is the opposite of dharma and can mean individual disharmony, nonconformity, or unrighteousness. It can also refer to acts of dishonesty, injustice, or exploiting others.) Well I guess we can all guess who Kalki is coming to destroy; Praise God!
So is Asclepius a Rishi? And why has he agreed to watch over me?
You do see how difficult spirituality is to put into words…it gives the appearance of total insanity…yet how else would the Human appear in trying to apprehend God?
So then, I receive this word about “Thoth’s Prophecy”. What the hell is that all about. It seems to be speaking of the time in the future and in the past where “God” withdraws from the world, because the Human has by its actions and thoughts plotted to kill God within themselves. It is speaking of times like today where man’s intelligence has grown but man’s wisdom has collapsed. because of the willful severing of God’s consciousness within the Human.
“Thoth’s prophecy was documented in Asclepius: The Perfect Discourse of Hermes Trismegistus. (Sir Walter Scott also elaborated on this in 1924 in the four-volume Hermetica.) This text is full of descriptor of the forms in the Akashic realm…which is here I encountered Asclepius. The selected text below is from Asclepius.
“For the gods will withdraw from earth to heaven and Egypt will be deserted. The land which used to be the seat of religion will be abandoned by the gods and become void of their presence. Not only will foreigners, pouring into the region and covering this land, neglect religion, but what is worse, religion, duties to the gods and divine worship will be prohibited with penalties prescribed by so-called laws. This holy land, this home of sanctuaries and temples, will all be filled with sepulchers and the dead. 0 Egypt, Egypt, only stories of your religion will survive, and these your children will not believe. Only words carved in stone will narrate your pious deeds. Scythians, Indians or other such will inhabit Egypt; it will be peopled by barbarian neighbors. The gods will return to heaven and abandon men, who will then all die. Thus Egypt, deprived of gods and men, will become a desert.”
“Now I speak to you, most holy river. I tell of your future. You will be filled with a torrent of blood, right up to your banks, and these you will burst through. Not only will your sacred waters be polluted with blood, but your banks will burst open, and the dead will far outnumber the living. Anyone who survives will be recognized only by his language as Egyptian. From his actions one would take him to be a foreigner.”
“‘Why do you weep, Asclepius? Egypt herself will be led into much worse things than these, and she will be sunk in greater evils. This once holy land which had such great love for the gods, where alone they deservedly fixed their seat on earth because of her devotion, for she taught men religion and piety, will become an example of the most ferocious cruelty. Then to men, tired of living, the cosmos will no longer seem an object of wonder or something to be reverenced.”
“Nothing better was, is or ever will be seen than the goodness of this whole cosmos, yet it will become a danger and a burden to men. Because of this people will no longer love, but come to despise it: this inimitable work of God, this glorious creation, this perfection formed with such variety of images, this instrument of God’s will, who in his work gives favor without partiality. This cosmos, a world of many forms, brings everything to unity, the unity of the all. It is a cosmos which can be revered, praised and finally loved by those able to see it. The dark will indeed be preferred to the light, and death thought better than life. No one will have any regard for heaven and a spiritual person will be deemed mad, and a materialist, wise. An angry man will be considered strong and the most evil regarded as good.”
“All the teaching about the soul that I have explained to you is that the soul is born immortal or expects to attain immortality. This teaching will not only be laughed at, but considered an illusion. It will be held as a capital offence, believe me, for a man to have given himself over to reverence of the divine mind. New rights will be created. There will be new laws. Nothing holy, nothing religious, nothing worthy of heaven or the gods which inhabit it, will either be heard or believed.”
“How grievous will be the withdrawal of gods from men! Only the evil angels will remain. Mingling with humanity they will force these wretches into all the evils of violence: wars, robbery, fraud and all those things which are contrary to the nature of souls. In those days the earth will not be stable, nor will the sea be navigable. Heaven will not be traversed by the stars, for the course of the stars will cease in the sky. Every divine voice will of necessity be stopped. The fruits of the earth will wither, and the land will no longer be fertile. The very air will hang heavy in lifeless torpor.” (from the spraying of chemtrails and the genetic manipulation of ourselves and our food.)
“Such will be the old age of the world: irreligion, disorder, and unreason concerning all that is good. When all this happens, 0 Asclepius, the Lord and Father, the god who is first in power and governor under God who is the One, will consider the conduct and willful deeds of men. Through his will, which is the goodness of God, he will take a stand against these evils and against the universal corruption. He will restrain error and every malign influence. Either he will dissolve all this in a flood, or consume it by fire, or destroy it through disease and pestilence spread through different lands. Finally he will restore the world to its ancient beauty, so that it may again appear worthy of reverence and wonder, and also that God the creator and restorer of so great a work may be worshipped by people then living with continual hymns of praise and benediction. By these events the world will be reborn. There will be a return of all that is good, a sacred and spiritual re-establishment of Nature herself compelled by the course of time through that will, which is and was, without beginning and without end. For the will of God has no beginning, but remains the same; as it is now, so will it always be. For the nature of God is the purpose of his will.’ ‘And the highest Good is this purpose, 0 Trismegistus?’ ‘Will is born from purpose, Asclepius, and acts of willing from will. And God wills nothing in excess, for he has unlimited abundance of everything and he wills what he has. He wills everything good, and he has everything that he wills. Therefore all that he purposes and wills is good. Such is God, and the world a reflection of that Good.”
So how do I conclude this musing about Asclepius and how do I tie it all together. And how does it impact my own sense of spirituality? Is Asclepius still existent among the forms in a planet earth in another place in the galaxy? Does Asclepius rule over the forms as they flow to earth? I simply don’t know and I am unafraid to say so. Yet, all around me I hear the groaning and creaking of a tower made with the hearts and minds of deluded humans, who have cast away their first love. It soon shall collapse from the weight of the deception.
So I wouldn’t mind if Asclepius was to fit an astral gadget in me. He asked permission from me to work on me and in my stupefied wonder, I agreed. I wonder what he was doing inside my ethereal body as it flamed in its phantasmal form. Maybe he fitted me with a few gadgets…I sure as hell hope so! I will be needing them very soon.
All that matters, forever, is that God and I are One! We are One Substance, One Being and One Light. Merry Christmas!
So this must be wrong, right, since Sodom and Gomorrah are near the dead sea, except they may not be and Jesus may be a Phoenician, since Palestine was a well integrated crossroads of an empire. After all, “King Herod the Great was of mixed Arab and Idumean descent.” Well I digress as always…So this is what just came pouring out of the Ether into my mind. What if the Christ was actually a Phoenician, as I have related from the research of Karim El Kousa before. What if the “Old Testament” was stolen from the traditions of the Phoenicians.
This would make the David of the bible a Phoenician. So in order for Jesus to fulfill the prophecy of the scriptures that the Messiah would be a descendant of David, the Messiah would have to be a Phoenician, since David was a Phoenician. Apparently, Aramaic is a derivative of Phoenician. Calm down, it’s just pure speculation, and what by the way is your source?
John 8:44 “Speaking to the Jews: Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own, for he is a liar and the father of it.”
“The following interesting comment was posted on Historium: “The Bible writes about Sodom & Gomorrah being destroyed by a Volcano, it also describes Mount Sinai or Horeb as a Volcano, The only problem, they are no active volcanoes in Canaan or Arabia , why would it vividly detail a Volcano where there isn’t one. In the general Mediterranean area , they are three major volcanoes, Etna, Vesuvius and Santorina and I believe it’s Mount Etna. Mount Etna derives from a Phoenician-Hebrew word , ‘Attuna’ (furnace or Chimney ), thus a Phoenician presence. In Sicily, there is a place known as ‘Himera’ , the ‘G’ in Gomorrah is glutteral and spelt in Phoenician-Hebrew as Amora’ , transliterating Himera into Hebrew would likely result in that very word, although there is another similar sounding name in Sicily called ‘Kamarina’ , the word ‘Kamar’ , since G/K is often a glutteral form of Ayin, could also be written ‘Omre’ (Gomorrah). What took the full brunt of the Etna eruption would have being Catania and this could possibly be Sodom , which is actually pronounced ‘Cedom’ or ‘Xedom’, they are no vowels, it is just ‘CDM’ d/t and m/n , so Catania (CTN / CDN / CDM ) is very plausible.”
“There are three names for the ‘Volcano’ mentioned in the Bible, Elohim, Horeb and Sinai’ , the names ‘Horeb’ and ‘Sinai’ might have come from Latin. The names ‘Sinai’ and ‘Horeb’ could indeed be Latin in origin that both describe a volcano, for example, the Latin ‘Sinus’ means Mountain with bowels and the Latin Horibilis means shaking, trembling or shudder. The third name is ‘Mount Elohim’ , in Phoenician it’s ‘ALEIM’ , evoking ‘ELYMI’, an ancient name for Sicily , ~ ‘Mount Elyimi’ . The area surrounding Sodom & Gomorrah in Arabic was apparently known as ‘Sea of Lot’ and ‘Lot’ is a possible patronymic form of Latin.”
“The Phoenician merchants, could of witnessed the Eruption, either in ‘396 BCE or 122 BCE’ and so told stories of its Eruption in Phoenicia-Canaan. Note. This is my own theory, but would love experts of Sicily to expand it even further.” Commenter on Historium.com
The Old Testament is written in Phoenician using Imperial Aramaic of the Persian Empire and so it’s Post-Persian , After the 5th-4th century BCE and most likely after Herodotus.
“Kalki (Sanskrit: कल्कि), also called Kalkin, is the prophesied tenth and final incarnation of the Hindu god Vishnu. According to Vaishnava cosmology, Kalki is destined to appear at the end of the Kali Yuga, the last of the four ages in the cycle of existence (Krita).” Wikipedia
Adharma (Sanskrit: अधर्म) is derived from combining “a” with “dharma”, which literally implies “not-dharma”. It means immoral, sinful, wrong, wicked, unjust, unbalanced, or unnatural. According to Bhagavata Purana’s verse 6.1. Wikipedia
Dhanvantari (Sanskrit: धन्वन्तरि, romanized: Dhanvantari, Dhanvamtari, lit. ‘moving in a curve’) is the physician of the devas in Hinduism. He is regarded as an avatar of Vishnu. He is mentioned in the Puranas as the god of Ayurveda.
During his incarnation on earth, he reigned as the King of Kashi, today locally referred to as Varanasi. Dhanvantari is also identified as the great-grandfather of Divodasa, a mythological King of Kashi in the Vishnu Purana. Wikipedia
“Solomon’s temple was built by Phoenician master craftsmen alongside Hebrew workmen and 30,000 unskilled navies pressed by Solomon into forced labor. They worked for a month on and two months off in shifts of 10,000 at a time. They used wood, stone and metal from Lebanon and worked by Phoenician craftsmen...” Solomon and his kingdom were so backward, he didn’t have the resources to build his own temple, and had to rely on Phoenician skills and craftsmen.
“What was the relationship between Israel and Phoenicia?”
“They spoke the same language and wrote in the same script. Even their religion was similar, at least during the First Temple period. The Phoenicians and the Israelites built Jerusalem together, as well as several other cities, and they went on joint trading expeditions.” Open AI
“Tyre was the greatest economic center in the ancient world. This city had a vast amount of wealth from many goods that it traded with other empires and kingdoms. King David knew about the Phoenicians, and he knew that he could rely on them to purchase the materials that he needed to build the temple. King Hiram of Tyre had sent skilled craftsmen to build King David a house or fortress (1 Chronicles 14:1). King Hiram sided with King David out of the treaty that they had signed together (2 Samuel 5:11 and 1 Kings 5:1).”
“King Hiram probably established this treaty out of fear since he realized that God was with King David. He also was trying to keep good diplomatic relations with the Israeli King since he knew that his nation was going to be a good investment during his time in power. Tyre prospered financially from their business relations with Israel since they purchased wood, gold, purple dye, linen, iron and brass. King Hiram also sent King David many skilled craftsmen and servants to aid him in the construction process of the temple.”
“King Hiram’s and King David’s alliance might seem to be an unlikely one since both of these rulers had believed in different deities. The belief in gods was of extreme importance to people who lived in the ancient world. The Phoenicians chief deity was Baal, and the Israelis believed in God. Many of the Canaanite people who believed in Baal were usually the enemies of Israel. On this occasion, these two monarchs had managed to set aside their differences and created a mutually beneficial diplomatic relationship. This relationship was so strong that it continued with King David’s son (Solomon) after he died.” https://amazingbibletimeline.com/blog/hiram-of-phoenicia-allies-with-david/
Aeolic refers to the particular architectural style, which has two curving palmette volutes rising from the shaft and spreading outward. Some have suggested that a more appropriate name would be: the Israeli Palmette capital. The palm motif is present in both Israelite and Phoenician designs. It was used to decorate Solomon’s temple (1 Kings 6:35). This region became so widely known for it that today it is depicted on the Israeli 5-shekel coin.

Maybe the reason so little is known about King David, is because he was a Phoenician, speaking Aramaic, who conquered Judea and Israel, and that is the real reason why he had such good relations with Hiram. Maybe he was Hiram’s son. Maybe that is the reason why Judea and Israel were always in conflict.
“Following the breakup of Israel’s united kingdom, the ten northern tribes were renowned for their great wealth. The prophet Amos blasted them for being at ease in Zion, reclining on ivory beds, and writing songs about themselves (Amos 6.1–8). No doubt, this was a result of their continued ties with Phoenicia. Their relationship was so close that King Ahab married the daughter of the king of Sidon, another Phoenician city-state (1 Kings 16.31). Not long after our introduction to Jezebel, we find her slaughtering God’s prophets (1 Kings 18.4). “
Why would Jesus, a supposed Jew, choose to visit Tyre during his ministry?
The original inhabitants of Jerusalem were Phoenician Canaanites. Jerusalem was originally a village built on a hill. The name “Urushalim is first found on Egyptian statues, circa 2500 B.C. “Urushalim”, in fact is a word of Canaanite derivation; the prefix “uru”, meaning “founded by”, and the suffix “salem” or “Shalem,” Phoenician Canaanite god of dusk. This evidence is reinforced by archaeology and by tablets found in Elba, Syria, dating back to 3000 B.C., on which the god Shalem being venerated in a city called Uruksalem is mentioned. The old name of the city Urushalim figures also in the Egyptian texts called Texts of Proscription of XII dynasty ‘ws’mm pronounced in Akkadian language Urushalim city of god.
“In the 14th Century B.C., King Abdi Hepa, king of the Phoenician Canaanites, wrote to the Pharaoh Akhnaton and implored him to rid Jerusalem of new invaders. He described a group of people known as the “Habirus”, as having already conquered Rushada, and advancing on Jerusalem. In the Bible, the story of Abraham mentions Melchizedek, the King of Salem (King of Jerusalem) and Priest of the Most High God (El Elion), who offered bread and wine to Abraham.”
“In 1000 B.C., King David, conquered Jerusalem, and established it as his capital. At the time of his conquest, the city was known as “Jebus” but he renamed it Jerusalem, once again.” (Why would a supposed Hebrew conqueror rename the city the original Phoenician name?)
“Phoenician Canaanite High-Priestly “Apostolic Succession” of Yahweh’s Temple
King David re-invested the Phoenician Canaanite High-Priest of Jerusalem to continue functioning in that position. Scholars have noticed two high priests are referred to in the account of Kind David’s life: Abiathar and Zadok. Abiathar is mentioned early in the narratives, even before David is (e.g. 1 Samuel 22:20), but Zadok the Priest appears suddenly, and only after the conquest of Jerusalem. Zadok was the Canaanite High Priest of Jerusalem, whom David permitted to continue to serve. Further, Zadok would also have been King of Jerusalem (city-state like all other Phoenician city-states). It is known that both functions were played by the same person in these Phoenician city-states. Zadok is identified with Araunah, the person who sold David the threshing floor for the purpose of building the altar (2 Samuel 24:18-25). The word Araunah is not a personal name; rather, it is a title meaning “the Lord.” King David conformed to the tradition which Abraham started when he recognized the validity of the older Phoenician Canaanite High-Priest and King of Jerusalem, Melchizedek.”
“In the year 597 B.C. the Babylonians conquered Jerusalem and Solomon’s Temple was destroyed along with the city. Who Were the Horites?”
“To understand why Christ visited Tyre, some light must be shed on the Horites. They were ancient people who were cave dwellers from the hill country of Canaan. They were a caste of rulers who controlled the trade routes from the Sahara to India, and originally, controlled the major waters systems.”
“The Horites served as river shrine and temple attendants. They interceded for others, offered sacrifice and were asked to pray for people because they were recognized as especially holy people. Job offered sacrifice daily for the sins of his own family. At the end of the book, God tells Job to pray for his kinsmen Eliphaz, Zophar and Bildad. This is reminiscent of Abraham praying for Abimelech (who had Phoenician blood on his mother’s side) and his whole household (Gen. 20:17,18). So the Horite priest’s work involved intercessory prayer. That prayer sometimes involved sacrifice long before Judaism emerged as a distinct world religion, or even before Israel can be identified as a nation.”
“Purity was an essential trait of the Horite priest. Hors is the archetype by which Abraham’s descendants would recognize Jesus as the promised Seed of the Woman (Gen. 3:15). His authentication was His rising from the dead on the third day, in accordance with Horite expectation. Abraham’s ancestors believed in the resurrection of the body and awaited a deified king who would rise from the grave and deliver his people from death.”
“Horite belief in a deified son who would embody kindness and unite the peoples found fulfillment in Jesus Christ, a descendant of the Horite ruler-priests, the divine son of the Virgin Mary, daughter of the priest Joachim of the line of Nathan. Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of the promise made to Abraham’s Horite ancestors in Eden (Gen. 3:15). This is why one cannot avoid the conclusion that the God of Israel is the God of the Horites.“
“Horite does not designate a race or ethnicity. It designates a caste of rulers and priests. Jews are one group that descended from the Horites. That is why Jews call their ancestors horim. The ancient world was structured along caste lines. Typical of castes, the Horite lines exclusively intermarried (endogamy). The genealogies of the Bible reveal that intermarriage of the ruler-priests lines continued to the time of Jesus. Jesus is the culmination of the Horim’s expectation of the fulfillment of the Edenic Promise. (Gen. 3:15) It is from the Horite priesthood that the priesthood of Israel developed, as well as the kingship and priesthood of the Canaanite Phoenician rulers. Moses’ two brothers, Korah and Aaron, were Horite priests before Judaism emerged as a distinct world religion, even before Israel can be identified as a nation. Horite priests served in the temple in Jerusalem on a rotating schedule. I Chronicles 4:4 lists Hur (Hor) as the “father of Bethlehem”. They carried the censor to offer incense before God. The Horite priest was to be purified before entering the temple. The purification ritual involved shaving their heads and bodies. The author of Chronicles knew that Bethlehem was originally a Horite settlement in the heart of Horite territory. Further, Zadok was a Canaanite priest in the old shrine of Jebus which became the city of David, Jerusalem. When David conquered that city, Zadok was already there as an established priest of the Canaanite religion. David did not disrupt the city or its shrine, but became its king, that is, king of the Canaanite city. David exercised two different roles, king over the Israelite tribes and king over the Canaanite city-state. That dual role signaled in the dual priesthood of Abiathar and Zadok, the priest.” (Brueggemann, W.) The Word That Redescribes the World: The Bible and Discipleship. Page 78) Thereafter, Zadok the Priest, and Nathan the Prophet anointed Solomon King, as David commanded. (1 Kings 1:34)”