The way that the One has chosen to nurture his|her children is the most beautiful expression of love. The path, the way that he|she unfurls in front of our being, in the unfolding of every moment brings glory to the One. How boring would the One appear to his children if he idly sat inactive and mute upon a throne of power. Our God travels with us and we travel within our God. Every moment is the unfolding of the spiritual lotus, the unfolding of the petals, the feminine opening of the One within our being. The intimate expression of love from the infinite source. Those who unite with openness and intimacy see and experience the ineffable One by faith. And then we are allowed to see all things with the eyes of God.
The One is the world within which we live, breath, move and have our being. The One also is in each of us at this very moment. He|She loves us; loves what has been created from within his|her very own being, and more than anything else wants an intimate, loving relationship with his children. The reason I so love the One is that he committed celestial suicide. He|She shattered him|herself into a multitude of pieces in order to bear spiritual children. He|she jumped…and as he|she fell, spiraling down as all of material being flowed out of him|her, as if giving birth. While you don’t realize it, this place, this being is the very womb of God. It is the place where a God, flowing with compassion, empathy and love brings forth his|her children.
The indigenous people, who lived close to the earth, in many ways had a better understanding of God and his|her living body and being than did the people of the written word. They understood that man, the earth and God are One. They understood the Being of the Eyes and the intimate and subtle connections between all created things both sentient and solid. They saw the face of God in the wind and water, and within the eagle and wolf. Verily, all of these thing are vibrating out of the center of the One, for our pleasure and blessing and so we can see his|her face. As important, the One loves the creation emanating from his|her being…and as anybody who has ever created the most unworthy object from their hand knows, there is a a depth of satisfaction beyond understanding in creating. So the One finds joy in his creation and in us as we also create as his children. And this place, this womb of God, this unfolding lotus, is for the many who sojourn here and also for you alone. The infinite and infinitesimal. All given to you as a gift from a loving God.
By faith, we can apprehend God in us, and when we do he will cast a net of being between himself in you that spreads to the “I am” of all existence. The sanskrit chant सो ऽहम् or ‘Soham’ literally translates into I am He, or I am That, which in Hindu, is one and the same thing. This is a simple restatement of the fact that we are that, we are him|her in actuality by faith.
God is in you at this very moment, he is your essential being, the consciousness by which he and you, within an embrace of love, experience this world. He sees the world through your presence and through your eyes; Your eyes are God’s windows into his own creation; windows into his own being. Without us, without our being, without our eyes, God would only experience the dark pool of vibration in the ever forming cosmos. He|She as an uninformed medium of existence, unable to find the joy of being in the created order. As a One that creates, the God had the strong desire to experience his creation. He|She sees his|her created world through your eyes and through the eyes of every human being.
This knowledge should work to humble us. When you understand that your brothers and sisters have God in them, who is viewing you as you interact with them; if it is true that God is looking at you through the eyes of others, it very quickly changes the way you walk in the world.
The One is in each of us…he|she is our consciousness, the thin wisp of being that connects back to the center of the One. The thin wisp or string of being that connects all things. The One is enfolded into our being, as touching, allowing himself to be under the control of our own sovereignty. He only takes control when he|she is granted permission. The One who experiences all, the good, the bad and the ugly in us.
When we begin the journey to God, we are drawn to the holy of holies within our own being. It is essentially the womb within the womb…revealed as the petals slowly open to the Sun. This is where the Divine feminine, the Shekinah Glory dwells within man, when she has been invited and drawn into the the spiritual dwelling place within us. It is our Mother who teaches us to cry out to the One She loves; to our Father who has loved us for all time. She is the right sided where intuitiveness, unity and synthesis have their birth in us. That is why some pray in tongues so that the left sidedness of right and wrong, black and white, laws and dictates in us might be made blind so that the law of love might flow in us. Mother and Father dwelling in you as you travel within existence.
God is within the world through us as we also live, breath and move within god… within the universe; God feasts with us in the enjoyment of what he has made for us by actually traveling within us. It is a perfect union, God’s ability to be in creation while at the same time being that very creation. Actually observing the world with us. And actually seeing himself/herself within others. God is often pictured as covered in millions of eyes in religious traditions. That is because he sees through the eyes of every human being. He also sees through the eyes of animals. God both mother and father travels the world within us because it is the only plausible way for him to truly experience what he has made. All of this must be accepted and brought into realization within you by faith. You have to believe before you will experience the ramifications of this fact of being in yourself. Then as the lotus opens its petals within you by this heart knowledge, you are granted a whole new mind, heart and being with which to see the world.
There is also another aspect of the One in man. These beings have the full indwelling of the Godhead in them before they appear within time. The Krishnas and the Christs that come into the created world at time of great darkness and peril. They are knights of the realm of God, that come to defend all of the beautiful being and indwelling that was just described above. They come to defend the children of God against the evil that appears within a free creation. They come to defend the One in creation; to defend the DNA. They arise to protect us from the evil ones who hate humanity and our relationship with the One. They come to free our minds from the madness that arises when humanity is led to kill the One in us. At the end of every human epoch, with the rise of the power of the intellect and materialism they manifest in the world so that humanity will not fall into its own destruction. They come to provide a way of escape and to restore sanity and order in the world.
If you haven’t felt the dark oppressive net that has been cast over the world in the last decade, then you must be sleeping. The Shekinah glory, the Holy Spirit is being destroyed within man…and so the world grows darker daily. Before you run out and buy food and supplies, stop and travel within yourself and find the God that dwells there. The One is all, the only fortress in which you can depend.