This is an excellent book with the step by step means and instructions to make the ascent within.
This is an incredible book that leads to some very unexpected and deep spiritual places. It begins as an illuminating novel and continues beyond to the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas. I had always understood in my mind that the Gospel of John was distinct from the other Gospels. You could fully comprehend the influence of Platonic thought on John. The author distinguishes between the Jewish Christ, who was probably and Essene and was an actual person in Palestine. He also explains the implications of this. Then he explains how that Christ was molded by the church into a character the matched the understanding and imprint of Greek philosophy.
However, that is not the importance of the book; it is meant to be a guidebook for your soul. The importance for me was that it confirmed many of the things I have experienced in the spiritual realm.
Seems that it Upanishad week among the Brotherhood of Light. I am in the middle of this book and would recommend it highly. I have always had a hard time delving into the dense wordsmithing of the spiritual knowledge of the Upanishads. Maybe it is for good reason? This very short work, is an excellent introduction to the Upanishads which has called to my heart for the clarification of the search for spiritual knowledge. Is it possible that never ending search is totally misplaced in that it tragically, leads us away from what our mind is trying to possess? If the One is fully present within us through our consciousness than why do we fail over and over again to apprehend the One whom we are longing for so deeply within our hearts? The longing for spiritual knowledge is no different than a junkie looking for a fix; and we need the fix because we have not opened the lotus petals of our heart in the full embrace and indwelling presence of the One. If we had, in silence, all searching would cease.
This is really an interesting book, even though I have yet to read it…it rests carelessly on the pile. Interestingly argued concept about the Jesus the Christ. I have come to the conclusion that the turmoil in the early church centered around dueling concepts of the Christ. There was the Greek idea of Christ influenced by the long stream of platonic philosophy. The Greeks made Jesus one of their own by how the quantified him. On the other hand, there was the Jewish Jesus, who came about because of the large number of early followers who were Jewish. This book claims that he was neither and was instead a Phoenician whose ethnic family lived around Galilee. I can’t wait to read it…
I am almost done with “Return to the One” and I am enjoying it immensely. It is always nice when an author such as Brian Hines is in love with his topic. It shows throughout.
It is said that certain Humans have the ability to place a book on their forehead when they go to sleep, and then to awake having absorbed its content. Dear Father, I need a more effective way of uploading information.
I just started reading this, and it is incredible. Within the first few pages it revealed the link between Indian Philosophy and Greek Philosophy on the backwater, of that strange and wonderful town of Ephesus made famous by the apostle Paul. Heraclitus live at the same time as the Buddha, and at the time the Vedas were written around 500 BC. He was the founder of Greek Philosophy.
Fire in Avesta: efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/
This is a beautifully written story of spiritual adventure and questing. I have no idea if what is written is true. That is not the point and it is rather a vision of the longing of the one who searches for the meaning of truth.
Narada’s Way of Divine Love has to be one of the best spiritual works I have read. Maybe it was the hand, mind, and heart of the surprising editor, Christopher Isherwood that added to the appeal.
“Christopher Isherwood is a multifaceted character, each facet with its own fan base. While most popularly known as a celebrated writer, the creator of the source materials for some blockbuster musicals and films, and a vanguard of gay rights activism. . . Less prominent to the world at large is his role as an early practitioner of Vedanta in America and his dedicated work in the service of that cause. . .
And within Vedanta circles, while he is recognized for his literary contributions and intellectual achievements, his tremendous guru-bhakti; his life as one of the original Vedanta Society of Southern California monks; and his reverence for the shrine, the ritual worship, and the relics may come as a complete surprise. Learning about his role and the impact Vedanta had on his writing is made easy by the tremendous cache of self-revelatory works he has left behind including essays, lectures, novels, his diaries, and the autobiographical My Guru and His Disciple, which affords us the luxury of gathering information from firsthand accounts.”
This an inspiring book about becoming one with Braham. I highly recommend it to you. You won’t be disappointed as long as you are ready to renounce everything in order to become united with the One.
Highly recommended. Be sure to read the las 50 pages.