“If you want to be a true doer of divine works, your first aim must be to be totally free from all desire and self-regarding ego. All your life must be an offering and a sacrifice to the Supreme; your only object in action shall be to serve, to receive, to fulfil, to become a manifesting instrument of the Divine Shakti in her works. You must grow in divine consciousness till there is no difference between your will and hers, no motive except her impulsion in you, no action that is not her conscious action in you and through you. Until you are capable of this complete dynamic identification, you have to regard yourself as a soul and body created for her service, one who does all for her sake…”
I found this little book “The Divine Mother” by Sri Aurobindo, which I have just read, after I had written what is below. “For when her Personalities are all gathered in her and manifest and their separate working has been turned into a harmonious unity and they rise in her to their supramental godheads, then is the Mother revealed as the supramental Mahashakti and brings pouring down her luminous transcendences form their ineffable ether. (from the Akashic Realm). Then can Human nature change into dynamic divine nature because all the elemental lines of the supramental Truth-consciousness and Truth-force are strung together and the harp of life is fitted for the rhythms of the Eternal,”
Don’t you see it. How have you been blinded to the astounding beauty that surrounds you. How can you live within a panorama painted by the overflowing of God’s loving heart and not comprehend it. You struggle and pursue, and casually pass through, yet you are totally blinded by the spinning of your mind, and you cannot see it. You stare blankly around you and still in your vapid repetition of naming, counting and explaining you totally miss it.
“If you desire this transformation, put yourself in the hands of the Mother and her Powers without cavil or resistance and let her do unhindered her work within you. Three things you must have, consciousness, plasticity, unreserved surrender. For you must be conscious in your mind and soul and heart and life and the very cells of your body, aware of the Mother and her Powers and their working; for although she does work in you, even in your obscurity and your unconscious parts and moments, it is not the same thing as when you are in an awakened and living communion with her. All of your nature must be plastic to her touch, –not questioning as the self-sufficient ignorant mind questions and doubts and disputes and is the enemy of enlightenment and change; not insisting on its own movements as the vital in man insists and persistently opposes its refractory desires and ill-will to every divine influence; not obstructing and intrenched in incapacity, inertia and tamas as man’s physical consciousness obstructs and clinging to its pleasure in smallness and darkness cries out against each touch that disturbs its soulless routine or its dull sloth of it torpid slumber. The unreserved surrender of your inner and outer being will bring this plasticity into all the parts of your nature; consciousness will awaken everywhere in you by constant openness to the Wisdom and Light, the Force, the Harmony and Beauty, the Perfection that come flowing down from above. Even the body will awake and unite at last its consciousness subliminal no longer to the supramental superconscious Force, feel her powers permeating from above and below and around it and thrill to a supreme Love and Ananda…” (Ānanda is a Sanskrit word that means “bliss” or “happiness”. In Hindu philosophy, it refers to the eternal bliss that comes after the end of the cycle of rebirth.)
All of it is the divine mother, unveiling herself so as to be seen and experienced by you.
Your mother reaching out to you, passing you her gifts of nature out of the depth of her love for you, yet you don’t perceive her outstretched hand. Wake up, she is reaching out to you. She is madly in love with you, yet in your pursuit of victories over past wrongs or apprehension over future harm, you are blinded. You stare blankly at the most beautiful panoramas created by a loving hand of God and you only see the curtain of your spinning mind. You are like a blind man unable to experience the luxury of a beautiful palace.
“…For it is through love and beauty that she lays on men the yoke of the Divine. Life is turned in her supreme creations into rich work of celestial art and all existence into a poem of sacred delight; the world’s riches are brought together and concerted for supreme order and even the simplest and commonest things are made wonderful by her intuition of unity and the breath of her spirit. Admitted to the heart she lifts wisdom to pinnacles of wonder and reveals to it the mystic secrets of the ecstasy that surpasses all knowledge, meets devotion with the passionate attraction of the Divine, teaches to strength and force the rhythm that keeps the might of their acts harmonious and in measure and casts on perfection the charm that makes it endure for ever.”
She wants you too be her King and for you to command her in righteousness, yet all you seek is evil so you live powerless in the world. Don’t you see with the eye of God how you have traded your power for weakness, all so you can imbibe the poison which kills your soul?
Stop. Be still. Feast upon the glory of this world, that has been given as a gift just to you.
Clouded vision obscuring the beauty, within the Human in his mad pursuit of vain glory and demented passions. Stop. Be Still.
You know this is all true.
Why not do something incredibly foolish; why not stop what you are doing, and drop what you are carrying, so you can feast upon what has been given to you. The most sumptuous feast of becoming given to the Beloved Child of God.
Why not cast down what is blocking your vision, so your eyes can perceive with the eye of God. The eye of God that exists within you which you have fouled and muddied by your uncaring soul. The things you have missed because of the carelessness and false ideals that rule over you.
Your Mother is waiting, quietly waiting for you to notice her and to sit spellbound at her beauty. When you see with the eye of God, you let your Father’s love inform your vision. Its so very simple yet so incredibly hard.
You are the Kings and Queens of light and love, royalty among the Gods, yet you live in abject poverty, in a state of persistent self-forgetting. Your Mother loves you and is compassionately reaching out to you even in this moment, longing for you to ask her to bless you; just ask and she will. Just notice her and she will turn and notice you.
Your Mother is the fountain of love flowing from the created order above into the world. A fiery fountain, that flows out of the Akashic Realm creating you and all that surrounds you. Why do you resist, stop and let all the things that are sullying your vision, flow away so you can make room for the return of your loving Mother within you.
She won’t make you give up anything within the created order, yet you may want to loosen your grasp, so as to allow her to transform you through her loving kindness. She may heal you and consecrate your head with oil, and raise you up as the Human that all the prophets have called us to be. The Human that God loves and that truly loves the One.
“While this transformation is being done, it is more than ever necessary to keep yourself free from all taint of the perversions of the ego. Let no demand or insistence creep in to stain the purity of the self-giving sacrifice. There must be no attachment to the work or the result, no laying down of conditions, no claim to possess the power that should possess you, no pride of the instrument, no vanity or arrogance. Nothing in the mind or in the vital or physical parts should be suffered to distort to its own use or seize for its own personal and separate satisfaction the greatness of the forces that are acting through you. Let your faith, your sincerity, your purity of aspiration be absolute and pervasive of all the planes and layers of the being; then every disturbing element and distorting influence will progressively fall away from your nature. The last stage of this perfection will come when your are completely identified with the Divine Mother and feel yourself to be no longer another and separate being, instrument, servant, worker but truly a child and eternal portion of her consciousness and force. Always she will be in you and you in her…”
Yet, be still and count the cost; the cost to purchase unmitigated blessing and power which will require you to cast yours away your own longing desire to the four winds. Wait though, don’t turn away, it is superior and higher and spread with vastness within the Being of the Father; within the multitude of being held within the One.
These are the conditions of the Light and Truth the sole conditions under which the highest Force will descend; and it is only the very highest supramental Force descending from above and opening from below that can victoriously handle the physical Nature and annihilate its difficulties…There must be a total and sincere surrender; there must be an exclusive self-opening to the Divine Power; there must be a constant and integral choice of the Truth that is descending, a constant and integral rejection of falsehood of the mental. vital and physical Powers and Appearances that still rule the earth-Nature. The surrender must be total and seize all the parts of the being…If behind your devotion and surrender you make a cover for your desires, egoistic demands and vital insistences, if you put these things in place of true aspiration or mix them with it and try to impose them on the Divine Shakti, then it is idle to invoke the divine Grace to transform you…If you open yourself on one side or in one part to the Truth and on the another side to constantly opening the gates to hostile forces, it is vain to expect that the divine Grace will abide with you. You must keep the temple clean if you wish to install there the living Presence.”
Don’t turn away, there is so little time to focus your gaze upon the magnificent beauty of the earth and of the One who created and upholds all things within itself.
Love God with all of your heart and treat your neighbor as yourself. This is the whole of the law. Jesus the Christ during his mission, was forever restoring the sight of the blind. While a caring act, it is also a metaphor for the Human’s spiritual blindness.
“But only when the supermind has descended in you can she deal directly as the supramental Shakti with supramental natures. If you follow your mind, it will not recognize the Mother even when she manifests before you. Follow your soul and not your mind, your soul that answers to the Truth not your mind that leaps at appearances; trust the Divine Power and she will free the godlike elements in you and shape all into an expression of Divine Nature.”
All quotes are from “The Divine Mother.”