“Odysseus, bravest of heroes,
Draw near to us, on our green island,
Odysseus, we’ll teach you wisdom,
We’ll give you love, sweeter than honey.
The songs we sing, soothe away sorrow,
And in our arms, you will be happy.
Odysseus, bravest of heroes,
The songs we sing, will bring you peace.” The Sirens call in The Odyssey
This is the call of all the “isms” that bring about the slaughter of man.
“The kings of the earth, the princes, the commanding officers, the rich, the strong, and every slave and free person, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains. They told the mountains and the rocks, “Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb, for the great day of his wrath has come; and who is able to stand?” Revelations 6: 15-17
Like a breach about to fall, A bulge in a high wall, Whose collapse comes suddenly in an instant. Isaiah 64:7
We the people could change this course but what we’re lacking is the light within to illuminate our path.
I have never been so sad or troubled by what this country currently faces. I grew up in the sixties and seventies when America was also in trouble…but it didn’t seem as hopeless as today. I watched bloody newsreels from Viet-Nam, the body counts at dinner-time, I witnessed the death of the cities and watched my government murder a duly elected president in an coup. And I also watched America’s technological might put a man on the moon.
What if what is happening has been planned for a very long time. What if our leaders are duplicitous in the destruction of America; letting fentanyl pour over the border to kill our children, selling our military technology to China, selling 50% of our uranium to Russia, selling farmland and meat processors to the Chinese. All for a seat in the “ark.” They are trading their souls for a place at the table of the new world order.
As many commentators have already so elegantly elucidated, America has become a monolithic empire in decline, with the elites busy looting whatever they can as we all stare incredulously at the precipitous fall of a once great nation. The saddest thing of all is that this seems to be part of a plan of a nefarious cabal that want America gone so they can launch their one world government and surveillance state, where freedom is outlawed, and we all obey the dictates of the “collective” technocrats. The following events and “stabs in the back” against America can only be attributed to a very malevolent intent: How can any human being filled with the presence of God view a fellow human being as a useless eater? But the demonic realm sees us this way because they hate the fact that God dwells in us and their human enablers are filled with self-loathing and hate which they seek to inflict on others.
They hate humanity. They hate us!!! They hate Western civilization which idealized humanity as being made in the very image of God. They want us and all of the ideals associated with our culture destroyed. This is what Marxist do, so it should be no surprise at what is happening in America. They are seeking to marginalize and divide us so they can provoke a backlash by discriminating against white America; Open your eyes, there are white apartheid laws being established at this very moment here. Whites, Blacks and Hispanics simply want to live in peace and try to make a better world for themselves and their families. We are friends, associates, neighbors; brothers and sisters in Christ who want stability and decency. A future that is totally colorblind…but that will not happen with the rise of the new American, anti-white, new woke, Ku-Klux-Klan. Blessed are the peacemakers because they shall be called the Children of God. Those that are stoking the war among us are doing so at the behest of our enemies to help ensure our utter collapse. If America is destroyed, every race and creed will suffer the devastating affects, and this moronic agenda will be seen for the evil that it was designed to be. Our communist leaders in America are doing the bidding of their Satanic hosts. They hate our faith and are seeking to kill the One in man and replace it with an AI counterfeit who will be worshipped throughout the earth.
We can end this now…but the path is not violence…it is a return to the God within you. Within the very Holy of Holies in the temple of your own being. God rides with you…
They want to bring in their Luciferic religious dictatorship and have you bend the knee to the one who is seeking to destroy you. And if you do not worship the Beast you will neither be able to buy or sell. And will you bravely hold on to your guns when they require you to turn them in in order to obtain food. Henry Kissinger has beautifully elucidated how food is the ultimate weapon. All religions will be persecuted by the Beast System. Buddhists, Hindus, Christians all will be required to bend a knee to Lucifer; no religious person will be spared.
–THE COVID EVENT: In the past two weeks I have been slammed by the death and disabilities of the people we know who have been vaccinated. It is no longer a fear but is instead a reality. The great die off is happening right now! People who we are very close to us are developing myocarditis, and having pace-makers implanted. Close friends are having strokes and dropping dead of heart attacks. Others are seeing aggressive cancers and autoimmune diseases develop out of nowhere. This elegantly evil plan is devastatingly effective and is beautiful in that it works stealthily with nobody attributing it to the vaccines. All of the devastating effects caused by MRNA vaccines has been known and described in medical journals for decades. They have known, and do know they are toxic. And the Remdesivir side effects; the destruction of kidney function was in all of the studies of the drug, just as AZT decimated the gay population during the “AIDS” crisis. At this point, we are witnessing the great die off and the preparators are still ruling the world.
THE WAR IN UKRAINE: Ukraine has been planned for a very long time, it is designed to cause mass starvation, to destroy the energy supplies of Europe, and most importantly is is being staged to draw America into the conflict and thereby forcing Russia to launch hypersonic missiles and and Tsunami nukes. The war is an inversion as is everything you are currently experiencing. The purpose of the war is to lead to the destruction of America and its allies.
MASS OPEN MIGRATION: Nobody is more awed than me at the “melting pot” that was America in the twentieth century. It made us a great nation. Today, this is different. There is absolutely no control of immigration into America. Terrorist’s with dirty bombs can freely walk across the border. Millions of poor, uneducated immigrants, lacking modern skills, are pouring into this country further bankrupting us. And here is the point: the globalists have already announced through their mouthpiece Yuval Noah Harari, that these people are “useless eaters” and that in the Green New World they will have no purpose. George Soros is supporting this effort with his billions in an onslaught of Western Civilization. So why would we be asking them into our country? There will be no work for them with the rise of AI. This is all part of the plan to destroy Western Civilization and turn America into a Third World hellhole.
DESTRUCTION OF FOOD SUPPLIES: All over America food processing plants are being destroyed. Herds of animals and flocks of poultry are being culled. Droughts are devastating the west and in places throughout the world all brought about by weather altering technology, so they can bring in a world dictatorship based on the lie of the Green Economy. The communists who hate humanity and want to rule the world are laughing at you as they play you for the fool. The war in Ukraine will add to the famine in Africa and the Middle East precipitating a massive migration which will overwhelm and destroy Europe. They are shutting down farms in America, the Netherlands, and across the globe. Wholesome food will be replaced with fake everything, insects whose bodies are filled with substances deadly to humans, and where MRNA technology and any other substances they decree to destroy us both in body and mind, will be mixed into the mash.
They are laughing, smirking as they seek to genocide the useless eaters.
THE DESTRUCTION OF AMERICAN INDUSTRY: American industry has been destroyed in order for the financial interests to wring the most profit possible out of the corporations at the expense of both workers and the ability of this country to defend itself. How does America fight a modern war without a manufacturing base? It can’t, and that seems to be the plan. A plan to leave us defenseless against our enemies. How do we innovate and secure products we need when manufacturing is controlled by other nations. Joe Biden sells off all of the oil in our strategic reserve for a political stunt to bring down gasoline prices while leaving us without the fuel we would need to fight a war with our enemies.
LONG SUPPLY CHAINS: We accepted the inherently weak and vulnerable long supply chains so the financial interests could squeeze out more profits. Now that the world has become wracked with instability and a rising alliance of countries arrayed against the United States, a long supply chain, seems like a colossal strategic mistake; but what if it wasn’t a mistake? Can policies this devastating have not been planned or encouraged to happen?
THE DESTRUCTION OF THE MILITARY: Those that are stoking the war among us are doing so at the behest of our enemies to help ensure out utter collapse. Open you eyes, the military cannot recruit enough men, women or trannies, because of the overt racism against white men. You fools, the entire world, but especially our enemies are laughing at us. Our fall is is spectacle of the earth. Our communist leaders in America are doing the bidding of their Satanic hosts while they pocket their ill gotten bribes and insider investments. They hate our faith and are seeking to kill the One in man and replace with an AI counterfeit who will be worshipped throughout the earth.
THE DESTRUCTION OF OUR INSTITUTIONS: Communists always destroy tradition and long standing institutions. That is why the constitution is under attack. That is why the calls for the statues of Jefferson and Lincoln to be torn down. That is why the Patriot Act was passed (Look for inversion). That is why election integrity is under attack. That is why the FBI, the CIA, and the NSA have been turned into an American gestapo to be weaponized against the people. They need to destroy our rights, they need to destroy our institutions, they need to bury our ideals, to bring in a new communist system; thereby making us helpless to resist the technocratic nirvana they are seeking to unleash on mankind.
THE DESTRUCTION OF OUR CURRENCY: The central banks, private institutions are fully owned by individual stockholders who are presiding over an inflationary collapse of all of the economies across the globe. You can’t end 10% inflation with 3% interest rates. The problem is the central banks are trapped, they have issued so much debt, that if interest rates rise further, governments, businesses, and induvials will not be able to service the debt and will fall into bankruptcy. And just to review: currency in the United States only comes into existence if the U.S. government borrows money and issues bonds. We have a debt based currency. Why do you think they are spending like mad in D.C.? Because they are forced to do so in order to be able to print new currency to cover the 10+% inflation. Of course, this will lead to even more inflation in America and across the world where the reserve currency exports hyper-inflation to the most vulnerable economies.
And now we have pushed Russia and China into each other’s arms, formerly weary of each other they are now friends and allies; as the declared leaders of the new world order they plan to establish. All because America pushed them together in their fond embrace, based on their hatred and disdain of us. They have created alliances with the BRICS, brokered peace between Iran and Saudi Arabia. They have created an alliance in which most of the world is aligned against America, the Kingdom of Lies. The whole world hates us, yet we see ourselves as the noble, shining ones. And the reason is obvious: the world sees America as an insane, evil, empire, totally compromised and controlled by foreign interests. As the petro-dollar fades, America is destined to die in obscurity to the relief of the rest of the world, which we have mercilessly tortured for the last 50 years. We have the audacity to tell Russia they can’t enter Ukraine after we murdered, maimed and destroyed in Cuba, South America, Viet-Nam, Iraq, Libya, Syria, et.al. The U.S has become a haunt of every foul bird, the Kingdom of Lies, the evil Destroyer, yet in our blindness we see ourselves as the righteous shining ones, in the image and delusion of our Father Lucifer.
While Americans are distracted and divided over abortion, race, gender and whether a man can be a women, our enemies are encircling us, wringing their hands in glee as they see the wanton destruction of a once great land. Soon they will be able to invade us without a bullet being fired because we cannot defend ourselves. America has been left totally defenseless against its enemies. Cast open the gates, let it be quick, like lambs to the slaughter. All religion is under attack, they have just chosen to denigrate Christianity first. All people in America should be free to worship whatever “God” they want. Muslims, Buddhists, beware, they will be coming for you next because no religion will be allowed to obscure the worship of the light bringer Lucifer.
Pray for peace.
Pray for the Christians who are being slaughtered across the globe and pray for the people of faith who will be next. People “of faith” need to defend each others religious rights. “Oh how long, how long will you ignore the cries of your people. “