“Great truths do not take hold of the hearts of the masses. And now, as all the world is in error, how shall I, though I know the true path, how shall I guide? If I know that I cannot succeed and yet try to force success, this would be but another source of error. Better then to desist and strive no more. But if I do not strive, who will? Chuang Tzu”
― Aldous Huxley, The Perennial Philosophy: An Interpretation of the Great Mystics, East and West

I am reading a book about the Master, Peter Deunov, a mystic, teacher and prophet who ministered in Bulgaria during the early Twentieth Century. He was a Christian whose faith and message was centered in that paradigm. In reading what he wrote, I was carried back to the ideas of the Perennial Philosophy. While there are many religions in the world, people chose to venerate their unique demi-gods; deep within the heart of the Human, we all understand that there is but One god.
People who are able to travel within themselves, and to apprehend God, always take away the same view of what they have uncovered. Without variation the first understanding of the One is that he|she is love and within the presence of the One, the seeker finds the unbounded love of God. If your religion doesn’t lead to a god centered in love, than you are caught in the deception and miasma of human laws and understanding. The One is love, and the children of the One are beloved. And when the Human aligns with the love of the One, a flowing river of blessing ensues, and the Way becomes clear and our hearts and minds are united within the love of the Divine.
“Neoplatonism arose in the 3rd century CE and persisted until shortly after the closing of the Platonic Academy in Athens in AD 529 by Justinian I. Neoplatonists were heavily influenced by Plato but also by the Platonic tradition that thrived during the six centuries which separated the first of the Neoplatonists from Plato. The work of Neoplatonist philosophy involved describing the derivation of the whole of reality from a single principle, “the One.” It was founded by Plotinus, and has been very influential throughout history. In the Middle Ages Neoplatonic ideas were integrated into the philosophical and theological works of many of the most important medieval Islamic, Christian, and Jewish thinkers.” Wikipedia
“The Perennial Philosophy is expressed most succinctly in the Sanskrit formula, tat tvam asi (‘That thou art’); the Atman, or immanent eternal Self, is one with Brahman, the Absolute Principle of all existence; and the last end of every human being, is to discover the fact for himself, to find out who he really is.”
“In Aldous Huxley’s 1944 essay in Vedanta and the West, he describes “The Minimum Working Hypothesis”, the basic outline of the perennial philosophy found in all the mystic branches of the religions of the world:”
“That there is a Godhead or Ground, which is the unmanifested principle of all manifestation.”
“That the Ground is transcendent and immanent.”
“That it is possible for human beings to love, know and become the Ground.”
“That to achieve this unitive knowledge, to realize this supreme identity, is the final end and purpose of human existence.”
“That there is a Law or Dharma, which must be obeyed, a Tao or Way, which must be followed, if humans are to achieve their final end.”
“God, if I worship Thee in fear of hell, burn me in hell. And if I worship Thee in hope of Paradise, exclude me from Paradise; but if I worship Thee for Thine own sake, withhold not Thine everlasting Beauty.”
― Aldous Huxley, The Perennial Philosophy
“The doctrine that God can be incarnated in human form is found in most of the principal historic expositions of the Perennial Philosophy—in Hinduism, in Mahayana Buddhism, in Christianity and in the Mohammedanism of the Sufis, by whom the Prophet was equated with the eternal Logos. When goodness grows weak, When evil increases, I make myself a body. In every age I come back To deliver the holy, To destroy the sin of the sinner, To establish righteousness. He who knows the nature Of my task and my holy birth Is not reborn When he leaves this body; He comes to Me. Flying from fear, From lust and anger, He hides in Me, His refuge and safety. Burnt clean in the blaze of my being, In Me many find home. Bhagavad Gita”
― Aldous Huxley, The Perennial Philosophy: An Interpretation of the Great Mystics, East and West
“The divine Ground of all existence is a spiritual Absolute, ineffable in terms of discursive thought, but (in certain circumstances) susceptible of being directly experienced and realized by the human being. This Absolute is the God-without-form of Hindu and Christian mystical phraseology. The last end of man, the ultimate reason for human existence, is unitive knowledge of the divine Ground—the knowledge that can come only to those who are prepared to “Die to self” and so make room, as it were, for God.”
― Aldous Huxley, The Perennial Philosophy: An Interpretation of the Great Mystics, East and West
I also had a confirmation from a mystic and seer about the Akashic or Ethereal realm of light and possibility. It was profound in that it was the thing that stood out the most about my journey there. And it was this: He said that the light beings there bowed down before him. When I traveled there, the being of light that I interacted with also bowed down before me. It was a wonderment to me. What is it within man that the Akashic guardians would venerate man?
Maybe we are the “White Brotherhood” working to usher in a new earthly age, while all around us, materialistically trapped mankind is committing spiritual suicide. Maybe mankind is parting ways. Maybe we are living through the great reckoning of the Human.
Brothers and Sisters, open your hearts to spiritual truth: Don’t miss the ascension of the Human. Time is so short, the time of dividing is upon us.
The Sheep and the Goats Mathew 25: 31-46
31 “When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. 32 All the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate the people one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. 33 He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left.
34 “Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father; take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, 36 I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.’
37 “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? 39 When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’
40 “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
(Read the lines above again slowly; Christ, the very Son of God, calls us his brothers and sisters.)
41 “Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, 43 I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’
44 “They also will answer, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or needing clothes or sick or in prison, and did not help you?’
45 “He will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.’
46 “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”
There are always bright lights shining out into the darkness as we tread upon the earth, beckoning us to return to the One. Calling us to open our hearts to our Father and Mother, as he|she exists within all of us, and as he|she exists surrounding us. Holding us, and singing softly to our spiritual selves; straining to draw us, unto themselves. Yet the One is gentle and kind, as have been all of the avatars sent to lead the Human home. And because the One is love, he|she will never force you to accept communion within their being of light and love. You, O Human are free, you have the greatest gift, you have the right to create your own way; it is a Way that can lead to the light and presence of God, or it can lead to places of darkness and separation. You can choose the path you travel upon.
The Human, treading upon the earth with the power and attributes of a god. All so that you may chose to follow the example of the One, and the example of Christ; you can renege your power, cast it away, and in an act of self-emptying, become One with the Love and Light of God.
Sadly, most are to distracted by unimportant concerns, living lives in selfishness and without purpose. The most important purpose of the Human is to discover the One within themselves. How can billions of people never stop and try to apprehend God. Even a failed attempt is more noble than never attempting at all. The dream, the moving colored images mesmerize, the spinning wheels in the back of the head, reliving the past, worrying about the future, keeping the Human from fully participating in the now.
( 1 ) The Divine Life demands a turning from all selfishness; this will enable us to experience the complete development of the Human heart and mind. This is the path to Wholeness.
( 2 ) What is the will of God ?: That our every action should spring from the experience of the ‘ given ‘ moment, and be intended for the benefit of all Creation.
( 3 ) During this Epoch it will be possible for the Human Race to solve all those problems which act as obstacles in our path; all contradictions must be reconciled in preparation for something better.
( 4 ) The desire for harmony with The Living Laws of Nature must awaken within us, and this will produce concord with God.
( 5 ) We have to discover the place and time of the birth of The New Teaching; an expansion of Consciousness will occur, with the transformation or metamorphosis ( as it were ) of a chrysalis into a butterfly.
( 6 ) Our present stagnation is due to retarded souls who have strayed from the path of Human evolution and, thereby, are unable to properly utilize the forces of Nature; these souls could be described as beggars, cunning and expert at taking advantage of every Human weakness.
( 7 ) Only the calm and quiet mind is capable of attaining to the Divine Consciousness which sustains us and equips us for mighty observations.
( 8 ) The Human world is populated by proselytes, believers and disciples. Proselytes are materialists who seek grand possessions; believers search for Holy Egotism; disciples are those who are steeped in Divine teaching.
( 9 ) One who has entered into the Divine Life has reached a level so high that it is, in effect, free from disturbance.
( 10 ) For us there can be no greater experience than the attainment of Unity with God; thereby we feel the presence of God within us, linking us with every exalted being.
( 11 ) Sift your thoughts until only those most essential thoughts are left. These are the thoughts upon which we can rely.
( 12 ) The’ New Culture will be established by those who search for God ; when we encounter God all will be well with us….
…( 15 ) Have no time for Evil ! This ensures a high level of vibration which cannot be lowered by extraneous forces. Always avoid the ugly and seek the beautiful in Nature.
( 16 ) Learn to read the pages of the invisible New World accurately. Nature is unveiling Itself, revealing the. Reason behind everything, unleashing a light which can be seen all over the Earth; permit this light to penetrate and you will receive an Inner Illumination on the nature of Reality, and of the sense in everything.
( 17 ) Nature is the Divine World rendered objective ; when we are at last able to understand Nature it will form our subjective world, which we will manifest objectively. The Human Race is the representation of the Mind and Reason of the Natural World ; during our existence we will interpret Natural Law and, in turn, manifest it in a higher octave.
( 18 ) Each morning endeavor to open yourself to a new impulse; we must turn from the trivial, and from everything of the Old Life with its attendant misfortunes.
( 19 ) Because we are created in the image of God, our future is a Great One. Be God-like then ! We have golden mouths so that no evil words may slip through ; our eyes are like diamonds for receiving and transmitting the light; our hands are for more than working with mud, for we did not come here to be brick-makers and nothing else.
( 20 ) Rise early and greet the Sun as it rises. In seeking for God you will enjoy all the blessings of Life and, if you start in your youth, great progress is assured.
( 21 ) Life is a constant process of getting acquainted. Each day brings us fresh information, each year presents fresh perceptions and new horizons. This is the process of getting to know God…
…( 25 ) Youth and Age are interchangeable; the soul does not alter, it simply develops. Nothing new is ever introduced into the mind of Humanity, because the Human Spirit comes from God. The New consists of laying down fresh conditions which make possible the development of the Divine spark, which is the Spirit.
26 ) You cannot enter The New Age if you are still seeking to pay karmic debts and live according to the Law of Moses; our physical life is a great illusion which, of itself, accomplishes nothing. The essence of Life is Love and to be loved ; we should love each other selflessly; this is the love-quality which we will take with us to Heaven…
( 31 ) We require to have positive faith in The Word of God, and to live in tune with the cycle of the Sun ; we must perpetually absorb the light of the Sun and never permit it to set within us…
( 33 ) From now on we shall all serve Love, Wisdom and Truth. The salvation of the world depends upon this; nothing is of greater importance than these three principles of Love, Wisdom and Truth, for the Divine Spirit of the Living God is manifested through these principles .
Love demonstrates the Laws whereby the Human Race can live a free and rational existence which contains all the possibilities for Immortality. Wisdom sustains the Divine Light which creates the most favorable conditions for the correct development of the Human mind. Truth sets a person free and equips for a life of Divine sacrifice. Truth contains freedom and progress, and provides us with a ‘sense of purpose for our lives….
…( 52 ) Those who, at present, are unwilling to work for spiritual perfection will be left behind. We must now seek to transform our desires and thoughts, thus heightening the vibratory level of the mind.
( 53 ) Try to discern the cause behind every bad impulse; try to preserve the energy behind every good impulse. The disciple, upon setting out to study requires a will of iron, because the Kingdom of God is built neither in the mind nor the heart but expressly by the power of the will…
…( 57 ) We should never forget that what is possible for God is also possible for us. Illnesses result from sins and mistakes, and they hasten the advent of Old Age ; the good and the beautiful, on the other hand, induce rejuvenation. The New Culture is none other than Divine Love coursing correctly through our organisms .
( 58 ) Any action devoid of Divine love has no sense behind it; Love must be the impulse behind every one of our thoughts, feelings and actions.
( 59 ) The love of Truth is a sacred and beautify! impulse within Humanity ; our future is determined by our love of Truth, for the blessing of God is behind it. The only one fit to love and to be loved is the lover of Truth.
( 60 ) Let your mind become the reservoir for one central and sacred idea; in turn this becomes your duty and this idea will permit you to serve throughout your life. Put up with everything else for the sake of this idea; by means of it every desire can be transformed into spiritual, energy.
( 61 ) Should we wish to bring to fruition any idea or thought, then our thinking must become very concentrated, as this will attract the other minds contemplating the same thing. The great ideas of a genius are born in this manner ; every great idea is a collective act…
…( 65 ) We require to know what are the planetary influences on us for us to obtain a positive knowledge of Life. The planets aid the evolution of Humanity. Saturn makes you cautious; Mercury makes you penetrating; Venus develops gentleness and the Sun fastens our attentions upon Beauty, joy, happiness, music and science…
…( 67 ) For thousands of years you have been testing out the lessons and suggestions of the ” dark beings”. Now it is time to test out the teachings of the Spirits of Light who issue forth from God and are your teachers today. The Father of Lights has begun to reveal Himself. The will of the Father is emanating today because this Epoch is destined for the glorification of God, with the love of God dispersed all over the planet…
…( 69 ) During the involuntionary process Humanity has arrived at this present material form, but we have also broken our contract with the Creator. When the Christ came He said, ‘ I am the Way, the Truth and the Life ‘, meaning that through Christ we are able to tread our evolutionary path back to the Creator. The coming Sixth Race will furnish Humanity with an Angelic culture, and this will further accelerate the pace of Human evolution. Today the Christ is presenting the world with methods suited for the evolutionary pattern of the Human Race, and the formula given by the Master is this; ‘ The disciple must have a heart as pure as a crystal, a mind as bright as the Sun, a soul as wide as the Universe, and a spirit as powerful as God and at one with God.
( 77 ) When we decide to work for our own spiritual progress, everyone else benefits from our actions; by raising our own vibration we affect everyone else around us. One single match can give rise to a huge conflagration.
( 78 ) The Invisible Universal White Brotherhood, whose head is the Christ, requires absolute purity of all its disciples; it asks for unconditional honesty, absolute goodness and intelligence. If we have failed to develop these qualities, how can we expect to go to God ?
( 79 ) The time has come to apply this teaching to our daily lives; if, as a Race, we are unable at this juncture to accept and apply the tenets of love and wisdom, then we have no future. Carry the Divine within yourself each day…
…( 87 ) Many of us in the modern world require to take a rest ; a new power of genuine love is presently flooding the Cosmos which, in the short space of forty-five years will be able to rejuvenate and resurrect people.
( 88 ) Still we have not learned to love in the way which will permit our love to follow us throughout Eternity ; whatever we do should be such that it cannot be severed from us for all Eternity…
…( 100 ) Our main task is to purify ourselves so that
we may become pure channels for Spirit.
The Spirit gives forth Music; we are the
chords which form the integral part of it.
This is the Music which will put the world in
a state of harmony.
The New Life will not commence flowing within
us until we actually reach conscious harmony
and unity between the Mind and the Heart, or
between the Body and the Spirit ; then Humanity will begin to manifest the Divine on
Earth, by becoming a pure Spring of Soul and Will in its own right.
“True prayer means the awakening of the Divine in the human heart.”
“Do not look for happiness outside yourself. The awakened seek happiness inside.”
“God presents the diversity of Life and His Love is a ceaseless spring for those who seek Him. From now on, all waiting for the Lord will rejoice in Him. We will sing a new song to the Lord. The revival of the Spirit is a new transformation of the human heart. The Lord will place eternal Daylight and Righteousness in it. The prophet said, ‘I will give them new hearts’. This is the New Kingdom of God, which Jesus introduced into our hearts; and we are members of this Kingdom of Daylight; we are all united in this Great and Sacred Heart of the Lord Jesus.”