So many traditions shout their their ideology or whisper their mantras, never quite leading the aspirant to the place of their longing. Imaginings of men who use force, condemnation and fear, to corral mankind into a type of “faith prison.” Most Humans at the elemental level are searching; constantly evaluating and comparing, trying to make sense of the information that flows toward them, slowly accreting experiences as the basis of their life history. Human intuition carries us to more diverse and fertile imaginings and spiritual journeys into the potential that exists within us the Human. Yet most of us, while desiring to find the truth, bold and shining, the holy grail of Human existence fail, magnificently….over and over again. All of this is to be expected if life is a quest, after all. Only the few are found worthy by their actions.
How beautiful is our God, the One who has spread himself|herself, into the magnificent tapestry of being, so that we the Human, can contend with ourselves, in the depths of our being, in the search of ultimate reality. Allowing us, the Human to pass through the One on our quest of self-discovery and becoming. Why would a multi-faceted, omnipotent, translucent God do this for us if we are merely earth and clay and not Shining Ones, who God will pluck and place in the brow of his bejeweled countenance, to become as One with the All. Becoming the brilliant light; a child of the Living God.
Most people pursue religion, not because of their deep and profound love of God, but instead, because of their longing to be transformed into beings of light, to live forever after death as children of God. They “believe” in God because they have been taught by religion that faith is the get out of jail free card; a sure path to heaven. If only you believe the right creed or faith. These religions become prison walls that keep us from the task we were assigned at our birth into the world; to “Find God, the One”, and blissfully ascend into his|her presence through our actions. As Humans we are tasked with using the magnificence of what God has given us in this place, to find God, by a transforming pursuit, and thereby discovering who we truly are.
The world is hard, yet beautiful all at once. And out of the abundance and love of the One toward us, a heart of gratitude should and must grow, if we are to successfully navigate the odyssey of becoming. The first step is to humbly ask the One to allow you to see the world through his|her eyes; as in this very moment the One is experiencing his transcendent being and beauty through your eyes, and the eyes of all other Humans. God is very often depicted as covered in eyes; his|her eyes are the eyes of the Human.
So what is the mission of the Human? What should be the point or focus of our longings and desires. What path should we spread before ourselves as we travel within the One. “You shall love the lord your God with all your heart, and all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength… The second is this, “you shall love your neighbor as yourself.” (Mark 12:30-31). Nothing in these words about liturgy or dogma, or a sure path into heaven. It is a command, that opens the path, the way, to union with God. God is self-sacrificing himself|herself as we pass through the One, we also must self-sacrifice if we are to be as God; to cast ourselves down in order to raise ourselves up. To become poor in self and rich in God.
So be still and listen to the shattering phrase, the phrase that deconstructs the illusion, whispered in wonder and awe by the Human. The One idea from which the Human always flees… but what if it is truth? What if we are God.
If the animating principle inside of our being, and outside of our being is God, then are we not God also? If what we experience is God, and the manner in which we experience it is God, than are we not God also? If our fundamental being is God, then we are God. The Human cannot be separated from the One within whom we have our being. Our source is the One. Our birth comes out of the One. We are the One.
If this is true, then there is no need for a law, or punishment, retribution, force, or compelling. If we are God, than as One, we naturally open ourselves to our parent who loves us beyond understanding, who suffers as we suffer, bears our pain, and opens the Way into his|her presence. The One who blesses those that seek him|her with myriads of blessings and boons. And as we open to the Union with God, we transform into his|her shape and being, becoming servants to the Humans that surround us. Seeking to use the mighty presence of God within us, to bless others. Understanding this, the Human can only love God with all his|her mind, heart and soul out of gratitude and love.
I write this with trepidation, having been conditioned to view myself as fallen, and unworthy. The onslaught the world powers are unleashing on the Human, has opened my eyes to how important we are to the One. They hate the Human because they hate the One; demons all! Cast away fear, claim your birthright, demand your blessing from God as Jacob demanded the blessing of Isaac. Put yourself in front of God, fearlessly ask for blessing, cast away all pride, but prepare your heart beforehand to properly receive it. I pray that out of the abundant love of the One, that the fullness of God and his|her Spirit will fall upon you, blessing you and filling you with the unquenchable power to finish the Quest and capture the Prize.