The Time of the End | The Time of Rebirth.
When we look into to the vaunted past, the thousands and thousands of years of human existence; finding the trace elements of incredible complex civilizations that now are just memories encrusted by the dust of the earth. Cataclysmic events, comets, earth changes, floods, fire, and even past nuclear wars have brought down glittering civilizations that were the pride of man.
“The modern world” has been before, and over and over again.
As Humans of the future, we only see the shattering; we can’t see the spirituality of the event. We don’t understand the dynamics of the end, only that it came suddenly, catastrophically and without warning.
We have no way of knowing whether it was a mass accession event; designed to draw away the dross and give rise to the ascendant Human. The breaking up of old human ideals, and modes of understanding the created order and the One; so that more authentic forms of spirituality and the transcendence of God might be brought into being. So that the Human might at last be able to grasp the Truth.
If you open the eyes of your heart, you will see it is all a trap. Rather than living as free beings, and experience existence in the here and now; we are caught like insects in amber. From childhood our conditioning has caught us in a tale of what man is, who god is, and why we exist. But its all a fable, constructed with a purpose. It is a trap that holds us fast and prevents us from knowing ourselves; and prevents us from apprehending the One.
This is the purpose of self-emptying. It allows us to be freed from the chains of illusion, that we willing shackle ourselves to because it is familiar and easy. To break free and become ascendant; the path to the indwelling of our Mother and the love of our Father is through the shattering our our beloved paradigms. There is no other path available to the Human. And few are able, and few have the courage to renounce everything in order to find the true Way.
Begin by casting it all away. Start with a cleansing. Start with a Holy Fire and burn down everything that is within you. All your conceived ideas of what you are and who god is. Be “Born Again.” as a new creature looking at everything with your heart as it perceives this moment. Walk through the world as an emptied being. Stand ascendant as the master of your own spirituality.
Our souls enter the world naked, and empty, animated by the presence of the One. Then we are clothed with the traditions of our culture; all that we are taught, just becomes so very comfortable to us. We love the traditions, because we were taught them as children. We never discard them; we hold on to them even when our heart tells us they are filthy rags. We love the normalcy and the way they comfort our minds. The way they fit so neatly within the spinning wheels in the back of our heads. The way they validate our existence as the Human.
Oh Human! You are so much more than the attire you have ascribed to your being. You are so much more than what you cling to on the outside of your being. Within the Temple of God there is an abundance of worlds and possibilities; beyond those that have mesmerized you and put you asleep.
There is unending possibility in the free expression of You!
And here is the most beautiful part that is surely to brand me as a heretic. We as the Human get to make our own Gods; the Ones we allow ourselves to worship in His|Her Temple within. Most all spiritual traditions haver rich truth held within them. The problem is when the words of the saint, sage, or messiah becomes a religion. All of the spiritual meaning is relegated to second place, behind the priests desires to control and subjugate the adherents. This is where the lies and money become ascendant. The power and glory of the religion overcome the words of the prophet.
Yet there is good news. Your Mother and Father love you with a longing you will never understand. They love you just as you are, and they are waiting to heal you and resurrect you into the full understanding of the One. The One that even in this moment dwells within you. Every God you need and want already exists within yourself. You just have to stop and be still. To block up your ears and cover your eyes so the allurements of the world don’t over come your being.
In the stillness, the ascendance of the God within, will grow, showering you with love and peace, and revealing the fullness of the One. And when you allow the One to overtake you and to anoint your head with oil, the spiritual being which you are will encompass the physical; and the light of the love of God will be present both within yourself and flowing from the presence of the One within you. Then the love and light of God will flow out of your being into the created world.
You will become One; radiating the love and light of God.
“My children I have made you free, so you can express your love for me that flows from your very own heart. And as you tuck in close to me, I will reveal all of myself to you, my beloved child.”
Become empty, so that the chains of illusion will be broken, and as a free child of God you will become. Break free of the prison of illusion and normalcy and take the journey to self-becoming. You can become anything, the vast plentitude of possibilities spread before you. This is the Way! Only after a violent smashing of preconceived ideas can you Oh Human, set out on your personal journey of spiritual discovery by spreading your Way before you.
God is not a religion; He|She is everything. The One is All that surrounds you and All that is within you. You are not your physical body, instead you are actually Everything; The One, flows from within you as together you form the casting of your world.
Shatter the illusion of separation and individuation and open the eyes of your heart to see what you truly are within the One.