I keep getting the vision of a pride of lions as being a fractal, mammalian, creation of God that is a reflection of the nature of the godhead. It is as if when lions flowed out of the consciousness of the One he|she created a reflection of its own being. If you find yourself at the gates of heaven, and the Archons ask you to explain the nature of god, say: “God is both motion and rest.” Among the lions the females are the beings of action. They hunt and provide for the pride. They protect their young. The male on the other hand mostly is found at rest, coiling and compressing its power in rest, so that it can have the strength to react to a threat to the pride. While the female is allowed the motion of action, the male is the transcendent power of the pride that is always available to back up the power of the female.
So now, I’m called to defend Christianity, a task for a masochist, since Christianity is imploding and fast disappearing off the face of the earth… all because it has lost its spiritual power!
“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” – Romans 15:13 Do you see it? Paul is promising us the power of the Divine Feminine within our very own being. Where is the power today?
In fact, this action of motion and rest exists within the brow of the Human. Within us, Shakti dances with beautiful movement within the motionless body of Shiva. Shakti is an ambassador that moves with the power of Shiva. She carries all the authority of Shiva which she can then carry within the Human. When released by the Yoga of Christ, Shakti is allowed to enter our heart, and dance to the beautiful song of the One, from the vastness of Shiva to dwell within the heart of the Human. That is the essence, or the goal of Human spiritually; yet we do not perceive with the eye of God so we remain among the blind.
The Sanskrit word yoga (योग) is derived from the root yuj (युज्), which means “to join, “to yoke,’ or “to unite”.
Through the “Baptism in the Spirit,” Shakti, or the Holy Spirit or the feminine aspect of the Godhead is released within the heart of the Human.
When the divine feminine, Shakti, the Shekinah Glory, enters into the Human heart it is transformed into the ambassador of God. We are changed by the feminine aspect of the godhead. The divine feminine is loving yet powerfully active, just as a lioness is a fierce, loving protector of the pride. The best way to see Shakti or the divine feminine is to see her as both conscribed by the love of the Human and also as a fierce defender of us in the world; if we only surrender to her.
When we surrender to the power of the Holy Spirit within us, we trade our power for the strength of the Holy Spirit which comes from God. What Christian doesn’t long for the power and presence of God? It requires that we submit to the Divine Feminine, so as to allow her to guide our steps in the world. Its a total surrender as is every yoga that seeks to yoke the Human with the Divine.
Mark 13:11” And when they bring you to trial and deliver you over, do not be anxious beforehand what you are to say, but say whatever is given you in that hour, for it is not you who speak, but the Holy Spirit.” Do you see it? It is saying that we should give up our own power and instead to depend on the power of the Holy Spirit to speak for us. We should become as God is and rest serene, knowing that the divine feminine is always acting on the behalf of the Human that has surrendered to her in love.
So within Christianity we find the idea of being born again; the question is born again into what? When we are born again through the Spirit, we are performing Christian yoga by joining, yoking or uniting with the Godhead by the descent of Shakti into our heart; when the Divine Feminine descends into our being we are “yoked” to the Godhead. We cast away our own power and just as Shiva, just as our Father, we rest within and rely on the power and movement of the Holy Spirit. This is really powerful stuff, yet Christianity rests within poverty and powerlessness. It has lost the glory of its message.
John 3:6–8 “That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’ The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear its sound, but you do not know where it comes from or where it goes. So it is with everyone who is born of the Spirit.“
When people use yoga for spiritual practice, they do so in order to unite with Shiva; to unite with the vastness of God. All kinds of practices are employed to still the motion of the mind within the Human so we can unite and rest within the vastness of universal consciousness. Breathing, technique, mental vision are all employed to reach the summit; to reach the goal.
Yet Christ in his goodness and mercy provided to the Human, a “yoga,” that allows us to directly experience the presence of God by stilling our minds, through our trust in the love and fierceness of the Divine Feminine. We become as the Father, resting, casting off our own power and relying on Shakti within the temple of our heart.
People are abandoning Christianity, which saddens me since everything they are searching for is contained within the essence of the faith. Modern Christians have never received the power of their faith. Christian “practice” through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit was highjacked by the priest class and turned into religion. Creeds and catechisms without the power of the Divine Feminine. Religion torn from the “Yoga” that Christ offered all of his followers. The yoga that allows God and the Human to become one through the Fire; the Power of the Mother of All.
Acts 2:3–4 “And divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.“
When a Christian prays in the Spirit, they surrender their mental facilities to the Holy Spirit and give over their speech to the Mother of All. Shakti dances within the stillness of the Human heart where Shiva in his vastness and power rests. Within this “temple” the resting Shiva also surrenders his power to Shakti, as the God of motion within the Human.
Speaking in Tongues allows us to still our spinning mind, so that our tongue, guided by the power and presence of the Holy Spirit, can speak to the One the words that have been left unspoken in our longing hearts. The Mother of All speaks to our Father through our stilled mental facilities. My beloved, is this not a profound form of Yoga?
And by speaking in Tongues, the Human Spirit that is a perfect fractal portion of the One, is refreshed and strengthened as we sojourn within the world… The unified Godhead within us become our rod and our staff.
And here is the most beautiful and awesome part; when we renege our power to the Holy Spirit, she acts on our behalf, so we can concentrate and center our being, on the universal consciousness; on the beauty and vastness of Shiva. It is a yoga of the spell bound Human soul overcome with the beautiful countenance of the One. And as we experience the love and bliss of the Godhead within our very own being, our faith is strengthened, so we become fearless spiritual warriors in the world.
The Holy Spirit in you unites with the presence of God, the silent, resting presence of God within you, as you allow her to guide your tongue, she dances and sings, making love to the Father of All, within your very heart, and in so doing unleashes all of the power of the Godhead within you. Yet you, oh Human, cast about for crumbs when the whole loaf is spread out before you.
In this moment, whoever you are and whatever your faith, in whatever circumstances you find yourself; surrender yourself to the Divine Feminine, the Holy Spirit of the One, the God of motion, the Fire Upon the Altar. She is fierce and strong, backed by the ultimate power of the Father as she defends the Children of God.
Knowing this, how can you ever fear the powers of this world?