Our Living Father, the One, contains our Twin within the Flaming, Translucent Light of His Akashic Realm; or so say the Gnostics who implore us to unite with our transcendent twin.
The Archons Ask who is the Living Father? “The One is both dynamic motion and repose;” replying as I pass beyond them into the realm of light.
I wrote several months ago about Our Living Father being our eternal twin; and in essence, He is, because it is His consciousness that we share in the casting of our world. However, according to the Gnostics and Neo-Platonists, we have a real twin, an actual, exact reflection of ourselves, such as I experienced in the Akashic realm. I now understand that in fact that the ethereal self, that I saw in the Akashic realm, was me; it was my eternal twin.
Let me just say in the beginning that I am totally out of my realm here.
This is beguiling, because it implies that we already exist as a part of the One, within the realm of light and intention, where all things of Our Living Father arise. This vision was given credence by the Neo-Platonist and borrowed and enhanced by the Christian Gnostics. Nothing can “separate us from God,” because we are already fully formed within the creative light and intention of the One. We are already an integral part of the One, and our basis, our essentail nature already exists as the Living Children of God.
Its a beautiful philosophy of the One. The main requirement of the Human is to renounce the world and to unite with with their ethereal twin, so that their memories can be guarded by this union into their true selves, and so thereby we can escape the recycling back into the world.
Yet, what is the path that we follow in uniting with our twin?
The gnostic path calls us to hate the world, because it is evil and ruled by the power of the demiurge. A snake with the head of a lion with a crown of light, with power slightly lower than the Living Father. An appointed demi-god to rule over the All.
Yet, God is the All and even the Neo-Platonists such as John the apostle, say we live, breath and move within God.
But I don’t hate the world; to my mind the world is a fantastic place of shining radiance and beauty. All of the created realm, made as a gift of love; as a place where the Human might become. A place where the Human chooses to enter a union with the Living Father.
The world was created as a place of total freedom, in order to allow the Human to make up their own minds, and choose their own path. Nothing forces the Human to love God, it is done out of our free-will.
How would the Human know what darkness was, without experiencing its opposite of shimmering light? The world was created as a place of opposing possibilities and contrasting realities for the purpose of eliciting our becoming. We are witnesses that are free of the pull of the material; yet we fully understand the opposing forces that surround us and that are within us.
Our Living Father, in his unsurpassed mercy, created an asymmetrical place, without rigidity, yet ruled by immutable laws that allow the Human to become; to allow the Human to unite as One with our Living Father and Mother.
If you were to create a paradise, where the possibility of evil was eliminated; where choice was eliminated, our Father and Mother would be bringing forth children that were automatons. We would be boring, static beings without unique attributes and desires. The Human would all be the same, lifeless and dull, without contrast, with neither light or darkness; only a bland shade of gray.
There is no evil in the world, except that it is brought forth by the Human. And yet, evil teaches, it winnows us into a shape that is pleasing to God, as we choose to pass by rather than participate.
The created order is totally neutral and becomes out of the necessity of what it is; controlled by forces that are beyond God. There is no demiurge!
The One is the neutral ground, in motion and rest, out of which the All comes into material existence. God is the catalyst out which the Human, is able to freely create his own way. The One, the Living Father who is seeking to find the pearl of great price among us, who can witness the world, yet be apart from the world; Beings that live, move and breath in the created world united with the heart of God.
This is the way it always is with holy books, philosophy and religion. There are parts that are beautiful and resonate with our soul, but there are other parts that do not ring true to us. As Pilot said to Christ, “What is truth?” Here again we have been given a gift from our Living Father; we as the Human are allowed to chose and thereby create our own unique way. God has given to each of his beloved children, the power to create themselves as he|she reposes in neutrality as we become within.
The world is a beautiful, shining gift, given to us out of love, by the Living One. Those of the Human, who use their freedom to unshackle the chains of rigidity, and instead live as Ones who are not disturbed by the flow of it as it passes by; can reach out as God imbued individuals, seeking to bless the Others among us. As we rest within the One; out of the calmness will flow the love of God.
Back to my eternal twin…I know that I exist in another place, because my soul has travelled there and I have observed wonders beyond describing. I have also observed my eternal twin. Yet I can’t help thinking that what the Gnostics call the eternal twin is in actuality our eternal Mother, who unites within the Temple of God within us. If we are One with our Mother, will she not tenderly carry us to the Akashic realm and place our memories, gently and with love within our eternal twin?
I trust the One, who loves me, to bless me, and to provide exactly what I need in this life, to ascend into His|Her living presence. The One I know and love, is good and kind to all that reach out. They wait upon you.